PROCLAMATIONS. 1916. 1799 3. Hiring or retaining another person to enlist or enter himself in the service of either o the said belligerents as a soldier, or as a marine, or seaman on board of any vessel of war, letter of marque, or privateer. 4. Hiring another person to go beyond the limits or jurisdiction of the United States with intent to be enlisted as aforesaid. 5. Hiring another qprson to go beyond the limits of the United States with intent to e entered into service as aforesaid. · 6, Retaining another person to go beyond the limits of the United States with intent to be enlisted as aforesaid. 7. Retaining another person to go beyond the limits of the United States with intent to be entered into service as aforesaid. (But the Rigms °i ¤—·¤S*¤¤** said act is not to be construed to extend to a citizen or sub`ect of either belligerent who, being transiently within the United States, ‘ shall, on board of any vessel of war, which, at the time of its arrival within the United States, was Htted and equip ed as such vessel of war, enlist or enter himself or hire or retain anotiher sub`ect or citizen of the same belligprent, who is transient] within the United States, to enlist or enter imself to serve such behigerent on board such vesiellpé war, if the United States shall then be at peace with such e erent.) 8. Fitting out and arming, or attempting to Ht out and arm, or procuring to be fitted out and armed, or knowing?] being concerned in the furnishing, fitting out, or arming of any s `p or vessel with intent that suc shjp or vessel shall be employed m the service of either of the said be `gerents. 9. Issuing or delivering a commission within the territory or jurisgliction of e UrjitegdStat§ for agy ship or vessel to the intent that e ma employ as oresai . 10. Iiicreasing or augjnenting, or procuring to be increased or augmented, or knowingly eing concerned in increasin or augmenting, the force of any ship of war, cruiser, or other armeg vessel, which at the time of her arrival within the United States was a shi of war, cruiser, or armed vessel in the service of either of the said bedigerents or belonging to the subjects of either, by adding to the number of guns of suc vessels, or by changing those on board of her for giuns of aljargpr calibre, or by the addition thereto of any equipment so ely a ca. e to war. pl)l. Beginning or setting on foot or providing or preparing the means for any military ex edition or enterprise to e carried on from the territory or jurisdiction of the United States against the territories or dominions of either of the said belligerents. And I do hereby further declare and proclaim that any frequentinv m§;‘,;;; " *"‘ "‘ "““ and use of the waters within the territorial jurisdiction of the Uniteil Rgsuj·?ji¤¤<_ ·»u. m States by the armed vessels of a belligerent, whether public ships or t°""°"""°“t"` privateers, for the purpose of preparing for hostile operations, or as posts of observation upon the ships of war or Iprivateers or merchant vessels of a belligerent lving within or being a out to enter the diction of the United States, must be regarded as unfriendly and offensive, and in violation of that neutrality which it is the determination of this government to observe; and to the end that the hazard and inconvenience of such ap rehended practices may be avoided, I further proclaim and dechire that from and after the thirtieth of August, instant, and during the continuance of the present hostilities, no ship of war or privateer of either belligerent shall be permitted to make use of any port, harbor, roadstead or other waters within the jurisdiction of the United States as a station or place of resort for any warlike purpose or for the plurpose of obtaining any facilities of warlike et ui ment; and no s of war or privateer of either belligerent shall lie permitted to sail) out of or leave any port. harbor, roadstead, or waters subject to the jurisdiction of
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