Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/661

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INDEX. 1823 Ale. P¤¤¤- Allen, Elizabeth W C'. wldow 1’¤z¤- . . » 4gr®1ter?$] revenue tax on ________________ _ _ 783 Agglnmign lllcreased ,,,. . - . . . , .,.., , ,,- 1361 4 er 0. ., J., deficiency appmpriation for public build- {sion increased _,,,..,,.,,_,,,,,,_____, 1485 ing . . .. 16 Agia, Hezekiah, dle:mnfier, _Al0’¤-Z0 B., fenmon increased ...,..,..,.. 1445 FQHSIOII Lucreased 1284 A lm, Jackson, A e1an(1er,_A1'LnG ggnnion increaggd ____,___,,______________ 1561 Apenswn 1556 A en, .Jd7l1.¢8 W., 1532 0 ny n on mcreaeed .. ; . A }>ension’i?cre¤Ze§i ... . ... 1249 A$n,S1Jenn·ie (doughur), GI 08617 . 11 . , .,,,,.,,,,,. 1414 A£ensiou’i1,;}2re¤;s6;:1iZ . . 1567 Allgrlflflohn, alias John McGuire, crm ., ns` n increased 1218 A g=;121pry wglidated ... 1305 Agia, lglarlha F, (Zum), 12 z wm ., nsion increase .,,..,,,,__ 72 pension,i11cre&¤ed ... . 1226 Allgn, Mary A. (unliow), Alexandria Lu., Rapmies Building and Loan Afensionlinlcreued 1422 ssomhtion, l R E., refund of excise corporation tax .. 1491 h?;1g¤t‘:;§d ent.? vglidand .,,______,___ _ _ _ 1304 Alfalfa (see also Grasses, etc.), _ Allen, Robertson . approprmuon for testing commercial seeds feugion inorqmgqi ________________________ 1406 of, etc. ._ , .. 453, 1142 A lm, Sarah E. (wauaw), for preventing admimion of adulter- union __,________ _ __________ _ ___________ 1566 AU d jteg . . . 453, 1142 Allin, Silo; D, AU · or , . ., increased 1570 may bridge Savannah River, Browns All;??1;gll»i4m ])_, _ Fi-1{TY, G8 ..-. 2 .··..----·· 534 yment to heirs of . . . 1389 Algug, Elzzabelh J'. (wwdow), 1274 Alglxnzmmd ,51., wdm 837 _e on . ..- con emn cumon gnu ...,.,.. Allen, _ _ _ _ Allémce, Ncbr., meaning of term, as used in Immigration appropriation for public building .. 263 _ ACL --·.. . , . . . i ... - -···-----· 874 enciency appropriation for public build- Alum; (gee algo Immigration), _ l 1.1:; ..,,,,. , 16 appropnatlyh fg! enfgfclhg lBWB l’¥\1l&l1¤8 325 Alligator _ $, C'., { 1m¤¤g¤¤ 0110 -·····-·---·····---· · A n vem nto wstern for medical inspecgion of immigrant . 278 Ppmpbrgbweenofllhllllrgton aid ... E 395 deiiciency approprmnon for expenses, Alling, Scrub J. (widow), ngtumhggtign of ..,,, , __________ _ , , 32, 827 psig]; incrgggd ____,__,,____,,, , ...,,,, 1255 returning after teniporary abeence abroad Allgon, Absalom B., to unrelmqmshed donncxle may be payment to, for disposemed homestead, reodnntted; coud1tions._ Z ... 878 Sherman County, Oreg .. 1354 Aim, Igqwgvwm of (we 1mmz¤¤¤¤¤ Act, Azam, Edward H., anu Henry .4. wm, 7 . increased 1317 Alizarin, · · Allehrlogaflllqhn S., _ duty on,_ and denvauves . 794 Bannon increased 1293 Alkal¤—Resy»v¢qnl Crogs, _ A non, Reuben D., Agggrogrlgvtaon for reedxng, etc. ... 454, 1142 pgymeénli to, for homestead, ug ., eu, ermnnCo t. Oreg .. 1354 .4222:;é.2¤}22;“**’ ························ **3* "2£1?;"‘.a.£?¥°i'J€s.l1ui.p¤..¤edy' ». .. 1 Y ! 7 r 0 es 7 pension increased 1328 Sherman County, Oreg 1354 Allegany, N. _Y§, Allotment: an Severalty to Irgdahns (see Lands reconstructwn of bgidgeegcrose Allegheny 898 All d R111 l;$;)l¢1'¤ll5y to Indians). River at, aut om ... M »_ el! » A11.; A cvumy, Pa., ¤¤!°¤ m°'°*¤°d -—-··--·-· ; --····-·----· 1363 mgyenviiauée <§;:kn1ver, Pittsburgh w 36 A€·§;¢l1¤·;I€;{;¢€;y£u§:1pg;a€:é& to 836 C s__-__-···.•____·····_ ""'•*····· · pma Mich. Allevlwnv .R‘€`"* . Alippropriatidn for im rovement: of harbor 400 Fo 1 . """ ‘L’§5‘.$¥’.‘$1$3f..1i“""°""H‘°f’Y°.f’lQ..‘{‘T`T‘T 393 -4¤··»·¤~· Rm Ga-I P " bridge aumonzed ¤}6§Q`o11cny, Pa .. 5; A;;5g,'1;>P$,},?a*_;‘,;!;mf*,jn¤j,*,P'°V°m°¤* °* ··--—···· 395 ll “""”* lh ‘‘‘··· r ·‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ nsilm increased , . 1 276 ‘°°°“”"“°{‘°“ °‘l?“"g%“°’°“’ “‘ A"°g“"· 8,,, Allie. on N. ’. L ... . . l ·# VVa.r·ren Co3`r:ty?nI%;., authorized 871, 871 Agglzdglfzed cannon granted m '°`'‘`‘‘'‘ 841 Allemmmh Buildingnnd Loan Company, C0l· apimpdgiion for public building- _ _ _ ‘ · _ I · 263 ”mb“"·. Ohwv . Ambassadors, refund of excise corporatwn tux . . 14% appropriation {Oi. Salaries _______________ 252 1048 Allen, Aaron B., Amberg, Jacob, ’ A);¢¤¤;<;¤[;¤¢¤?¤cd ·--·-·-----...--------·- 1281 pensionliincreased . 1385 en, nrrw ., Amber, on pension increased 1232 penssion inclcased ...-... 1444 Allen, Delight A. (widow), Ambler, Clem B. I., pgugigu increased ____ _ _______ _ ________ _ _ _ 1538 PGDSIOH mCY€8$€d ·--· · -···--·----·----·· - - 1531 102620°-von 39—r·r 2-—44