Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/697

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INDEX. 1859 Camus! Mary O’Hara (widow), P¤s¤- Cary, 4u,gu.;mg 0,, Pago. PBDBIOQI ·-·-·--...» . .. 1365 panmon increased ..,,._.. 1436 €`¤T0, -Vw}•~, Cary, Lzmalsa (widow), Cc0u’c§mnI¢];:7da8hcann0u gianted to ..,...,. 836 pension ____, , ,,,______________ _ ________ 1573 amt js, _ ingmn . Cary Honorable Willmm J peuswn mcrcaged . Z .. 1443 deficiency appropriation for contested dec- Carpmter, pe Wm C'., tion expenses . 822 pension 1¤cr<¤gsed . _ ... 1 564 Casa Grande Rum, Am., Carperyter, farrut E. (wadow), 1 90 Calgiogvriadonlfga custodian ... 301 pensxou 1DC1’_ . : .. 2.. as umm mm 01-eg, Carpenger, Lumha A. (wudow), appmlgxiation for lI\&i.;1t£I1B.I1TC€, etc., of. 458, 1146 pexmon 1DCl’88B6d ... . 1417 Case, C rle; E,, Carpenter, _Th<mw.<: A., d pension increased .,,____ . __,,_,,_________ 1534 pension 1DC}‘B?S6d . . .. 1205 Case, Mary L. (wwaw), Carpenter, Wdlaam L., pension increased ,..,,,,,________ 1253 pension: .. . ..._ . . . 1515 Casey, Abraham T., Carpera Frank J, peudou increased ,,, , ,_______ 1550 C pen%1_0u.l._. . . . 1282 Casey, paqul, arr, arc me mo , pensmn mcweased .,.,,,,,__,_ 12*1 pension . : . . .. 1364 Cass Lake _In!l121n Reservation, Minn., D Carr, Ellen (wsdow), appmpnauon for bridge amoss Mississippi pension increased . . .. 1228 River ou, from hippewa. funds 978 Carr, [alma W, 540 Casaadqy, Qtephen F., pcnmon mcrcased ... . 1 penmon mcreued .,.. 1.533 Carr, Caaaia and Minhlaka Counties, Idaho, C pensigp 1567 ‘ gay Snake River .. 34 arr ac ., ‘ anu ’ argc pe;1¤ion increased 1508 for damtages to, submitted m district Carq, S. Spencer, court . 1261

 record corrected . . ... 1478 Casted, Jane W,

Camkrf ogeph W, 1364 C peumzz 1501 penmon increased a oo Carrskrs, Commun (see Common Carriers). sale of Fedepal building site, Honolulu, Carroll, Aqna (wzliow), tc, ratified .. . . 1490 pensxon increased , ... 1283 Oath, Palcman S., Ceingéggwmtkqagd _ pemdon . . .. 1244 n su nz mms eo . . _ . River between Gowets: Ccunvy md- M 4 Y _6 time eéteuded for bddgg Hudson River » " 0armZl_Foundry, Hmgghgan, Koch., _ to ku g from. .. r. 446 deii§1e}my appmpznatmd im: ... . . .- 815 Cmualtg Hospntnlbqi )C'. (sec Eastern Dm- Carm , mm, pe . . . appropriation fo;£ublic building 264 Caawclf, Jqim Carroll, Jqnvgab (w' w), · pensmn increaspd., . t -1238 approprxatmu for monthly payments to. . . 629 Catalogue of Scwntyic Literature, Internapensmu . ... - pam on 0 , Carroll: Mary (daughmx 1239 ap for c uses pre ti f 279 Canwllum, I {L, _ _ _ E1? printing and . . . 331 Cappmgnaug;1 for public bmlding .. 264 Catalogue of ful? Entrgelg, qpygght Ojiee, arson ity ev. a, r9pr1a.t.1on or pu canon . . 331 ap myriaxion fair mint at .. . 88, 1093 dggcaeupy pppropriation for printing and Er udgzm gchgfl 143, 981 .6 ... . ... S22 or ub ic ui in . . ... 264 Catawina ompany Carson gzdzlan Haapitai Nev., may bridge Sxgsquehauna ·B.iver, Milton to appropriation for maintenance, etc., of . . 125, 970 West Mxltou, Pa. . . 49 Carson National Forest! N. Mex., Cale, Ejlijafn, appropriation for mamumamce, etc., of. 458, 1146 pensxou 111creased 1217 Carson, Peleg N., Ca¢her,_Ezr:a, pension increased . . .. 1311 peusnm increasegi . . , . 1219 Carson! Samuel Méé Cattle (see a].so Aiumal Industry Bureau and p » sx n iucreas ... . I567 Animals Cargi, g’an‘·ie E. (widow}, 8]>pl‘0p1:i8ti0D fér and quampension increased . . .. 1507 mug"-: 450, 1138 Oalgtgi J. H., 1336 {or grad1catit{l1ggscatl1:ies. . 450, 1138 patent to .. . or m¤¥>ec sou em. . ... 450 1138 Carta-,_J¤»yph, 1 10 for en fgciug humane trmuneut of uga, pensmu increased . . . . 5 pc ... 4 1138 Carter, mmm A _ for executing 28-hour lgw ... 450; 1138 pension ingggased ________________________ 142] f¤r supgyessgng contagxous diseases. . 450, 1138 Carmuges etc for _ cgmng southern cattle ticks; re- · ’ " stnctncns .., 450 1138 ta ii man f - · · · °x“°°¤0°§¤°¤'§¤Et0¥Z’2xt€€§’,fiO¤..}}.?Yt}r?T’J' :81 *°= ·I*;j{gg;¤gu81gl{g*tg*tj;>¤0=;¤ to ¤¤¤>P*_g3’m2 Carutiizrsdlle, M0, { [gen' ’· cm" di-- `: ```°' ' 3PP'°P"i”·*i°¤ fo} public bviiding ------·--- 264 or izlghemgigé m of...??l?:.€t%§2,1167 Oarz·er,_ Chqrles, p¤.yn1pnt for animals destroyed; appensmn mcmused .. . . 1559 _ przusal of values 492, 1167