1268 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. *129. 1916. ’°¤¤>*•N·F**’°°*’· The name of Joseph N. Foster, late of Companies and D, Ninth Regiment New Yor Volunteer Cavalry, and pay hun a pension at the rate of $36 ger month in lieu of that he IS now receiving. G**¤¤¤Y·I·°**°*’°'°- R The natinloi of ilxpiipn Logbargd, late (of Comhpany C, Twentygforlot egunen ame 0 er an ry an a m a ension a e rate of $30 per month in lieu of that ’he is gov; receivinlg.
- 1** G· 8**7*- The name of Arthur G. Sawyer, late of Company I, First Re `ment
Lgaine Voluntee1i1Heo1vy Aptillleryi and pay him a pension at tile rate o $50 per mont in `euo t at e is now rec iv1ng' . °°¤'¤° H- S““’“"”· The name of George H. Stillman, late of Coiiilpany G, One hundred and twenty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteer nfantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiv- 1""'°S"*°°°"°°‘ mglllge name of games S6 Audersonh late oflgompany M, Fifth Regimen 01s 0 imteer av an a t th t f y..,t.e_ $3'o_}per month in lieu of thsillrlie is ngwiewivhlglmlon 8 B ra 6 0
- '¥E-I·*“d$*‘Y· e name of Magi E: Lmdsay, former widow of Henry Schively,
gte lofy Conépanyh , Surteenth thelgimept igoxésylvama Xliolunteer ava an pa erapensiona eraeo t. E“¤°·¥°°°Y· The xiame of lilla C. Moody, widow of Joel Mgdldllrliate captain Company H, Second Regmient Indian Home Guarciv, and former widow of John M. Porter, late of Company H, Twenty-ninth Re i- moipt giggonsm Volgnteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rmims mcmsod. ra 0 per mon . L“”'“’°s°“‘ _The name of Lars Isaacson, late of Company A, Second Battalion, Sixteenth Regiment United States Infantry, and Company K, Forty- fourth Regxment Iowa Voljmteer Infantry, and pay him_a pension at the rate 0 $30per month H1 lieu of that he IS now receivmgi. JolmD.Vauc¤. The name o John D. Vance, late of Company D, an se eant ma]or, Twenty-fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer nfantry, an? pay him_a_pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ,,§_°""""’ M‘ T°°°h' 'lillgelgiaolije of Sftephegi l\rIi1l`els:»;;:l;§>1ptillate of gompa1r111ynF, First Regime cgan ouneer r1e ,a t Ad C Hu- the rate of $36 per month in Ecu of thativhe islnoliilieceiviiiiglicnsion a ,,,_ ‘ The name of domram C. Harpolr, late of Company D, One hundred and thirty-second Reg1ment Il ois Volunteer Infantry, and pay lugniaxpension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now e e vmg. WM B- Wm- mgloeéilonrgg oé liarley B.¤léVest, late of Company B, eighty-fifth Regi- 0 unteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate Hm mmpmu of gig pelionmogiitg in lieiucof that he ostnovy Eeceiving. “" · _ e amue amman,aeo B,()uh d d and eighth Regiment Ilhnolis Volunteer I1i)fI:d)€rIg and pay uliliniea Emmy M Ymmb peoion at the rate_of $361pe1; month in_l1eu of that e is now receiving. -» - e name of Sh1r1ey N . Nicholskwidow of l§dw1n C. Nichols, late ozptam of Company G, Eighth egiment New Jerse Volunteer antxloy, and first eutenant of Company F, Twentyjourth Regiment eteran Reserve Corps, and pay her a ension at the rate of . P Fmk Bmw. $24 [per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. T _ e name of Frank Seave , late of Compan A, Twenty-seventh V Regiment Mama Volunteer lhfantry, and pay a pension at the I1;•§§¤op.Bmwn~ ratleh of $30 perfn§>nth in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ e name o ate Brown, widow of Thomas G. Brown, late o . major, Sutty-fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay
her a pension at the rate of $20 per month.
of 'léhe name oé Louise M. Wilson, widow of William M. Wilson, late ompany _, d Regiment Rhode Island Volunteer Cavalrv, and former widow of Landric M. Holcomb, late of Company D,