Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/849

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INDEX. 2011 National Guard—C011tinued. Pm- National Guard—Conti.uued. Page. property and disbursing officer to be ap- participation in Army encampments, pointed in each State, etc .,, . . , , 200 maneuvers, etc , . ... 206 to receipt and account for all funds and allotment of expenses; pay, etc., while property; returns ... . ... 200 attending . 206 to receive and pay annual allotment; command to be retained by Army officers 207 accounts ...- _ .. 200 details from Army for instruction, ,,,___ 207 bond; pay and allowances; inspection, instruction camps may be rovided for 207 _ etc r . . ._ ·... . ...-. . .. 200 details of Army omcers tgz- .,_.. . .,.._ 207 location of umts in States, etc 200 pay for attendance, etc ...,,_, ___ ___,____ 207 disbandment or reduction restricted .. 200 pay for attendance at Army encam ments, enlisted men; period _ six years, three etc., may be made at time oi) muster _ active and three in Reserve. . 1 . 200 for full period . . 207 enlistment contract and oath . 201 authorized to receive instruction in miliissue of discharges; m time 0 peace tary service schools 207 prior to expiration of period 201 at military posts, etc . . 207 0Hf•cers; Federal oath ... 201 pay, etc. limit . 207 gphaliticatziousg examinations required". 201 details of Army officers and enlisted men 'ng vacancies when drafted mto serv- for duty with ... . ... 208 ice . . . _ . 202 retired officers . 208 discharges, etgu findings of unntness; subject to laws governing Army when in absence without leave .. 202 active service . 208 by transferm Reserve 202 courts martial; constitution, procedure, National Guard Reserve; composition of. . 202 etc ... 208 ay when training, other forbidden 202 general; authority for, powers, etc . . - 208 Eattalions for recruit traimng to be as- special; authority for, powers, etc 208 signed from etc 202 summary; authority for, powers, etc 208 composition oi; provisional regiments, sentences; fines limited ... . . 209 etc .. . 202 approval for dismissal required . 209 transfers from, to active service 203 arrests, execution of process, etc 209 ` ent oi officers to ... 203 pay of certain officers of, for services; peoH tc., in District of Columbia al· riods excepted 209 lowed leaves of absence, etc., for rate; determination of service .. 209 training in . 203 staff, etc., officers ... . ... _ 209 National Board . 203 pay of enlisted men; drill service required. 209 assignment of colonel and lieutenant col- rate; computation of attendance ... . . 210 onel he Bureau, Wat Depart- other actual military duty . ... . . 210 ment; pay, etc . 203 disbursing and accounting by Quarteruniform, arms, and equipment to be same master Corps, Army . _ 2 10 as Army 1 ... 203 restriction; action of States reqiured, issue authorized; care, etc., required 203 etc ... ;. . .: ... 210 purchases from Armfy supply depart- time for State legislation  : , , Z ...,.. 210 ment authorized or ... ; 204 to be drafted into military service m case new of guns, etc., to be issued to, of war; fpgriod of service . ... 211 vngigut, charge ,,,,.,.. .. ... 204 m and subject to return of prior imues . . .. 204 laws governing Volunteer Army . 211 additional stores may be purchased for, commissions to officers .. . ... 211 from War Department by States, entitled to Army pay, etc. . 211 gm ____________________ _ _ ___,____,_, 204 bgugfitg of pension lgwgprrgndgd to ____ 211 requisition for Army in case of war; plans for rifle practice facilities for all sec~ credit allowed, gte __,__,,___,___ , . . . 204 tions tp 9 estimated for, eu; ,___ _ _ _ _ 211 pro imued to, remains property of the general use to be provided . . _ 2 11 gained Btntg ,,,,,.. . ... . . . . 204 Instructors from Army and National report, etc., on survey of damaged, etc. . 204 Guard ... . . . :._ 211 payment for, if ost, etc., through __ issue of arms, ammunition, etc . . 211 carelessnem . 205 temporary promotions, etc., m Army due disposal of unserviceable ... . .205 to details to, in time of ws1·.. ... 211 refusal to pay for lost, etc., depars from staff officers; terms limited .. . ... 212 particigaation in appropriations . . 205 permanent status not affected . . 212 proceeds o sales to be covered I-D10 the physical examinations required_ when Treasury . . ... , 205 called into active Army service. 212 horses, etc., to be furnished; regulations. 205 when discharged - ·-·--·---·-.·-- 212 use of condemned Army h<>1'S¢¤· -_ ---- 205 benefits debarred States etc., not comply- care, etc., of horses; men authorized; ing, with Nationai Defense Act, etc. 212 pay, etc .. _ . . 205 provisions rgpplicable only to lapgi_f<>rces... 212 discipline to correspond with ANDY NEW quota c `ted with Naval .. . 212 lations . ------- - · - · 206 rules and regulations for, to l.§'|.l€d. . 213 assembling for drills, encampments, etc., annual estimates tp be submitted?. Z . 213 required; time DBCGUUY ····~-·--· · 206 expenditures restricted to apprptgnations. . 213 minimum number to be present; dura· drafted into military service wi Army... 340 tion . . . ...-··----· · 206 { Govergmegm employees 1l1¥0Vg1\l.l juspec ‘ Arm · nature of or tary service, _ 2 tr;:orl)sli.?if}??f?.?$ . K, .. 206 to positions on termination thereof. . 624