Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/998

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INDEX. 2159 United S lates Courts—C0ntinued. 1*580- United States C0urta—C0ntinu0d. Pv·Z¤· deficieucy appropriation for marshals . 32, terms, Fargo, N, Da.k ,.,,______,,_,,,____ 336 43, 818, 827 Florence, S. C . ... 721 foffees, glerks .. . 32, 827 Fort Dodge, Iowa .. 12, 55 for fees, Jurors . 32, 33, 43, 827 Fort Scott, Kems .. 726 for support of prisoners. . . . . 32, 33, 44, 819, 827 Fresno, Cal ... 122 for feqsa commissioners . 32, 33, 43, 820, 827 Grand Forks! N. Dak ...,._,.,,_ 386 for b3;lI1H$, etc. ... 32, 43, 827 _ Grand Junctxon, Colo ... . ... 225 for mlscellpneous expenses . 32,44 Greenville, S. C . 721 for fees, wxtnessas I . 3Q, 43, 827, 830 Greeuyvood, S. C .. 721 for jqdgq, South Carolma western dwmct 43 Guthne, Okla ... . .._., 927 for d!5Y}’1Ct attorneys and assistants 43, 819 Jamestown, N. Dak ... . ... 386 forgeugtentiaxies .. 44, 819 Kansas City, Kaus . ... 726 for wing C. Bland...Z . 818 Keokuk, Iowa 13,55 for commxssion on manufacturing articles Lawton, Okla . 927 for the Government at peuiteutia- Leavenworth, Kaus . .. 726 ries .. : . . : . 819 Los Angeles, Cal . . . 122 fqr Top: _K. Rmlug. . 5 . 819 Mgyaguez, P. R ... . ... 966 California ]u<}:c1a1 d1smct.s 122 Mmot, N. Dak . . ... 386 Colorgdo judicial district .. . . - . 225 Montrose, Colo . 225 Iowa. ]ud1c1al districts ..,.,,,, 12, 55 Muskogee, Qkla ... 927 Kansas district .,...,, 726 Oklahoma Cxty, Okla ... 927 Maine district, divisions created, etc . 850 Ottumwa., Iowa ... 13, 56 New Jersey district, additional judge au- Ponce, P. R . . . 966 .,2;*;,% ·····-·······-············ 3;% £?.“éi‘“"z}’}° ······-· · ··-··-··-········ 332 Ncrt ota istrict . e 0, 0 0 . .. Oklahoma districts .. 927 Raleigh! N. C . . 56 Pom Rico district created 965 Rock H111, S. C ... 721 Texas northern district, new division cs- Sacramento, Cal . ... 122 tabligly-;d_ _____,,, , ,,,, : ,,,_,,,,_, 939 Salma! Kaus .., 726 Texas western district, additional judge San D16g0! CS1- -·...---.-. 122 authorized _________________________ 938 Sm Fmucmco, Cal . - . . 122 district courts given jurhdiction in immi· Sgn J nap, P. R . .. 966 gmt-i0n (33335 _,_,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,, . , , , 898 S10ux Cxty, Iowa ·... . ... . ···... I2, 55 violations of orders of S Board . 737 South Mmlmw', Okla . . . , .; 927 to enforce orders! ¤£ Tariff ° to ··-- · ·--..·-------··· :222 progurp tgsqmonp, etc .. z. . 797 _ _ , kla . - .. t»ohave]ur1sd1ction o mterpleadcr by m· Vnmta Okla ... . ... 927 surance companies, etc., if adverse Wgterl’oo Iowu ..··. 12,55 claimants of ditierept States . I . 929 Wgehgm Falla, Tex 939 exemption of docketing hens, ew., cf, m Wgchm, Kam --··»-...--.·-... 726 State courts, repealed .. _ 53 1 Wmcbcswr, Tenn .. 232 jurisdiction accepted over lands m Crater Woodward, Okla ... . .. 927 Lake ;Pq.rk, Omg ... . ... Umled States Drainage and Irrigation Com- _ Mount Raymer Pa.rk,Wash .. pany, Jumm; dmwmgg by depgty clerk and com- payment to ,___ __ ,,,__,________,,,,,_,,_ _ 1262 m—i$Si0¤€¥» =M1*·h<>¤¤°d ·-·--·········· 873 Umm! Seam Grain Standard; Ace (ue Grain removal of causes imm Stare courts to; Standards Act, United Sm8,y_ suits against couyt ogiccrs added; . 532 United Slam Reports, ' geamnma. ntersmts orwag6¤,0. .. , -, c winhoxueboud for costs, eu; I 313 ¤PPr¤pl¤;3§;9O1:l Q3;luI;:v&)er¤ Coopprsm e 813 §v*;ft;€§)}°!f1g:g*;I;”u':*£lfQlf6;i;é&· kg ;:;,;;,i,;,] 726 sor v¤1$$¤.’241 m 244. I [ I I ZZ Z Z I I I Z I I ms com liance with orders, ctc., of United Statgs Securthu (sec also Sccunnes, Tarigi Cgmmission ...,.. 797 Umtvd §m¢°;· , nt terms, Aiken, S. C. . 721 appmpmmon or re unding two per ce 6 Anderwnr S· C ························ 721 l?°'?d’·:j ··••‘*·• ·············*··· gg? Ardmore, Okla _,____,,,,,,__ _ ,_,,,,,,,_ 927 for dlgtmctn e Rape; gr, _ _ ,.. 277 Bangor, Me 850 _ four gear con {2% r, suc mu bélga- Bisnlarck, N. Dak---•.•···•~-·-·--'··- lxug for ancaanimarjugaout %¢§‘;‘f€§3§‘“§’é°"“·":;;;i:;;::: .. ém . A mh; m ~ ‘ ’ U--n ... 927 issueo , res _ %e2i§§“§¥§2’§?'E‘?::::.‘.‘.‘.;1;:1 ... 137% gumomed for @$0 expm. lm ¤¤¢i1B!¤Ff¤. I<>w¤ ------- - -----·----- 7 ms -·—-- - --····-—·------·~······ ggesrvn, Iowa ...-.·.-.-·----·.---- 13, @6 exempt €r¤¤¤gl;1i -{0}- Héébhh 1003 ¤M¤v·>g»lI¤w=· ------—····---·-·~--·~ 13;,zgg M g€_g·=ggm,am _ 1003 D‘*“""'¤ ° ° ·-························ - 0,. ex ,,,,,0;; · et; 1003 D¤=·¥**m=· Im ··-····-·············· *222 @0;,151 §$udm£d£m lm Devils L3k¢· N· Dak ···· · ~-·····--·· · — _ . . _ 1003 I 12 5a redeemable withsu Efty years .. . . ._ . Dubuquekg Tm '’'’'`` '`````'`` Q2; iggug of $$00,000,000 mm; per mm cemii- D“¥u‘$;" ° ° ‘‘'‘‘'‘ ‘'‘‘’`‘`°°'``°'’ gay mms of indebtedness autherjzgd ____ 1003 légigiga{E13--.-·`NUOUNI--.:.n:::i 152 payablginoneyear .. - . 1003 10‘26‘20° —vor.. 39-rr 2-65