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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/111

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Statute Ⅰ.

May 26, 1824.

Chap. CLXXXII.An Act supplementary to “An act providing for the examination of titles to land in that part of the state of Louisiana situated between the Rio Honda [Hondo] and the Sabine river.”

Act of March 3, 1823, ch. 30.
Act of March 26, 1824, ch. 175.
The powers given to, &c., the register and receiver of the land office south of Red River, Louisiana, by the act of March 3, 1823, extended.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the powers given to, and duties required of, the register and receiver of the land office south of Red river, in the state of Louisiana, by the act of the third of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, entitled “An act providing for the examination of the titles to land in that part of the state of Louisiana, situated between [the] Rio Honda [Hondo] and the Sabine river,” be extended to all that tract of country, known and called by the name of “The Neutral Territory,” lying east of the present western boundary of Louisiana, and west of the limits to which the land commissioners have heretofore examined titles and claims to land in said state; and in the examination of claims to land within the aforesaid limits, the register and receiver shall, in all respects, be governed by the provisions of the aforesaid act.

The register and receiver to receive each 200 dollars.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the register and receiver of said land offices shall, severally, receive, as a full compensation for the duties required of them by this act, the sum of two hundred dollars, whenever they shall have finished the business required to be performed by them, by this act, and the act to which this is a supplement, and have forwarded their reports to the Secretary of the Treasury.

Approved, May 26, 1824.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 26, 1824.

Chap. CLXXXIII.An Act to complete the survey of the southern and western boundary of the state of Missouri.[1]

Appropriation to complete the surveying of the southern boundary line of Missouri, and so much of the western as lies south of the Missouri river.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and to be applied under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to complete the payment for surveying the southern boundary line of the state of Missouri, and so much of the western boundary line thereof, as lies south of the Missouri river.

Approved, May 26, 1824.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 26, 1824.

Chap. CLXXXIV.An Act supplementary to an act passed on the thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, entitled “An act making further provision [provisions] for settling the claims to land in the territory of Missouri.”[2]

Duty of the individual owners or claimants of village and other lots, in certain towns in Missouri and territory of Arkansas, which were confirmed by the act of June 13, 1812, ch. 99.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be the duty of the individual owners, or claimants, of town or village lots, out lots, and common field lots, in, adjoining or belonging to, the several towns, or villages, of Portage des Sioux, St. Charles, St. Louis, St. Ferdinand, Villa a Robert, Carondelet, St. Genevieve, New Madrid, New Bourbon, and Little Prairie, in Missouri, and the village of Arkansas, in the territory of Arkansas, whose lots were confirmed by the act of Congress of the thirtieth [thirteenth] of June, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, entitled “An act making further provision for settling the claims to land in the territory of Missouri,” on the ground of inhabitation, cultivation,