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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/158

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are not published periodically, if sent in the mail, shall be charged with a postage of four cents on each sheet, for any distance not exceeding one hundred miles, and six cents for any greater distance.

Where any postmaster shall neglect or refuse to render his accounts and pay over to the Postmaster General the balance by him due quarter yearly, suit shall be commenced against him.Sec. 31. And be it further enacted, That, if any postmaster, or other person authorized to receive the postage of letters and packets, shall neglect or refuse to render his accounts, and pay over to the Postmaster General the balance by him due, at the end of every three months, it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to cause a suit to be commenced against the person or persons so neglecting or refusing. That all suits, which shall be hereafter commenced, for the recovery of debts or balances due to the general post-office, whether they appear by bond or obligations, made in the name of the existing, or any preceding Postmaster General, or otherwise, shall be instituted in the name of the “Postmaster General of the United States.” That certified statements, under the seal of the general post-office, of the accounts of the several postmasters and contractors, after the same shall have been examined and adjusted at that office, shall be admitted as evidence in all suits brought by the Postmaster General for the recovery of balances ro debts due from postmasters or contractors; and, also, certified copies of the quarterly accounts of postmasters; or, if lodged in the treasury, copies, certified by the register, under the seal of his office, shall be admitted as evidence.

Forfeiture by a postmaster neglecting to render his accounts for one month after the time, and in the form, &c., prescribed by this law.Sec. 32. And be it further enacted, That, if any postmaster shall neglect to render his accounts for one month after the time, and in the form and manner prescribed by law, and by the Postmaster General’s instructions, conformable therewith, he shall forfeit double the value of the postages which shall have arisen at the same office in any equal portion of time previous or subsequent thereto; or in case no account shall have been rendered at the time of trial in such case, then such sum as the court and jury shall estimate, equivalent thereto, to be recovered by the Postmaster General, in an action of debt, on the bond against the postmaster and his securities, and for which the securities shall be liable.

All pecuniary penalties, &c., be one half for the informer and the other half for the United States.Sec. 33. And be it further enacted, That all pecuniary penalties and forfeitures, incurred under this act, shall be one half for the use of the person or persons informing and prosecuting for the same, and the other half to the use of the United States, and shall be paid over to the Postmaster General, and accounted for by him as other moneys of the department.

Provision to be made for the reception of all letters, &c. to be conveyed from any port of the United States beyond the sea, &c.Sec. 34. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Postmaster General to make provision, where it may be necessary, for the receipt of all letters and packets intended to be conveyed by any ship or vessel beyond sea, or from any port in the United States to another port therein; and the letters so received shall be formed into a mail, sealed up, and directed to the postmaster of the port to which such ship or vessel shall be bound; and for every letter or packet so received, there shall be paid, at the time of its reception, a postage of one cent, which shall be for the use of the postmasters respectively receiving the same. And the Postmaster General may make arrangements with the postmasters in any foreign country, for the reciprocal receipt and delivery of letters and packets through the post-office.

Postmasters, &c., exempted from militia duties.Sec. 35. And be it further enacted, That the postmasters, post-riders, and drivers of the mail stages, shall be exempt from militia duties, and serving on juries, or any fine or penalty for neglect thereof.

Letter-carrier to be employed at such post-offices as the Postmaster General shall direct.
Sec. 36. And be it further enacted, That letter-carriers shall be employed at such post-offices as the Postmaster General shall direct, for the delivery of letters in the places, respectively, where such post-offices are established; and, for the delivery of each such letter, the letter-carrier may receive of the person to whom the delivery is made, two cents: Provided, That no letter shall be delivered to such letter-carrier for delivery, addressed to any person who shall have lodged at the post-office a written request that the letters shall be detained in the office. And,