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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/193

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Attorney general.For compensation to the attorney general of the United States, three thousand five hundred dollars.

Clerk.For compensation to the clerk in the office of the attorney general, eight hundred dollars.

District attorneys, &c.For compensation to sundry district attorneys and marshals, as granted by law, including those in the several territories, ten thousand nine hundred dollars.

Expenses of the Supreme Court, &c.For defraying the expenses of the Supreme, circuit, and district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia, and of jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, and for defraying the expenses of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safe keeping of prisoners, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Pensions.For the payment of sundry pensions granted by the late and present governments, two thousand and fifty dollars.

Lighthouses, &c.For the support and maintenance of lighthouses, floating lights, beacons, buoys, and stakeages, including the purchase of oil, keepers’ salaries, repairs, and improvements, and contingent expenses, one hundred and thirty-two thousand three hundred and forty-six dollars and sixty-six cents.

Buoys.For procuring and placing three buoys on the bar near the port of Georgetown, South Carolina, being the amount of an appropriation for that object, carried to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December last, six hundred dollars.

Lighthouse on Baker’s Island, &c.For building a lighthouse on Baker’s Island, on Mount Desert, in the state of Maine, being the amount of an appropriation for that object, carried to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December last, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For building a lighthouse on Dutch Island.
1825, ch. 113.
For building a lighthouse on Dutch Island, in Narraganset Bay, Rhode Island, in addition to the appropriation of three thousand dollars, made per act of the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, two thousand dollars.

A beacon on Warwick Neck, in Rhode Island.
1825, ch. 113.
For building a light vessel for Albemarle Sound, N. C.
1825, ch. 113.
For building a small beacon light on Warwick Neck, in Rhode Island, in addition to the appropriation of one thousand dollars, made per act of the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, two thousand dollars.

For building a light vessel for Albemarle Sound, in North Carolina, to be placed either at or near the South Point of Roanoke Island, at or near the end of Wade’s Point shoal at the mouth of Pasquotank river, in addition to the appropriation of five thousand five hundred dollars, made per act of the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, three thousand dollars.

For building a lighthouse on Point Defer, Louisiana.
1825, ch. 113.
For surveying public lands.
For building a lighthouse on Point Defer, in the state of Louisiana, in addition to the appropriation of ten thousand dollars, made per act of the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, four thousand dollars.

For surveying the public lands of the United States, seventy-four thousand one hundred and thirty-one dollars.

Registers and receivers of land offices.For the salaries of the registers and receivers of land offices, in cases where no moneys are received by them for land, two thousand dollars.

Stationery, &c.For stationery and books, for the offices of commissioners of loans, one thousand six hundred dollars.

Salary of the late governor of the Michigan territory.For the salary of the late governor of the Michigan territory, (William Hull,) from the 10th of April, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, to the first of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, one thousand six hundred and twenty-eight dollars thirty-two cents.

Salary of the secretary to the land commissioners in East Florida.For the salary of the secretary to the land commissioners in East Florida, (Francis J. Fatio,) omitted in the act of the 3d of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five,