Proviso—As to certain claims.
Confirmation of all claims to amount, &c.recognised as valid, by this act; and Provided also, That the confirmation of all the said claims provided for by this act, shall amount only to a relinquishment forever, on the part of the United States, of any claim whatever to the tract of land, so confirmed or granted.
Lands fronting Pensacola bay, &c., be reserved from sale for the use of the United States.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the lands fronting Pensacola Bay, from the mouth of the Big Bayou, to a line below Tartar Point, and thence back to the Bayou, selected by the navy commissioners, and all the lands fronting said bay, and for one mile back, as far as the Grand Lagoon, shall be reserved from sale or location, for the use of the navy yard or depot, and for other public works of the United States.
Accounts of the commissioners of East and West Florida.Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Department be, and they are hereby, authorized to receive and adjust the accounts of the commissioners appointed to ascertain claims and titles to lands in East and West Florida, for the contingent expenses of said commissioners, and to pay the same out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Approved, April 22, 1826.
Statute Ⅰ.
Chap. XXX.—An Act to exempt the professors, tutors, stewards, and students of the different seminaries of learning in the District of Columbia, from militia duty.
Presidents, professors, &c., exempt from militia duty, except in case of war.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the president, professors, tutors, stewards, and students of the different seminaries of learning in the District of Columbia be, and they hereby are, declared to be exempt from the performance of militia duty, except in case of war.
Approved, May 4, 1826.
Statute Ⅰ.
Chap. XXXI.—An Act to authorize the President of the United States to run and mark a line dividing the territory of Florida from the state of Georgia.
The President of the United States to cause to be run and marked, the line dividing the territory of Florida from the state of Georgia.
A commissioner to be appointed.
Proviso.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States of America be, and he is hereby, authorized, in conjunction with the constituted authorities of the state of Georgia, to cause to be run and distinctly marked the line dividing the territory of Florida, from the state of Georgia, from the junction of the rivers Chatahoochie and Flint, to the head of St. Mary’s river: and for that purpose he is hereby authorized to appoint a commissioner, or surveyor, or both, as in his opinion may be necessary: Provided, That the line so to be run and marked, shall be run straight from the junction of said rivers Chatahoochie and Flint, to the point designated as the head of St. Mary’s river, by the commissioners appointed under the third article of the treaty of friendship, limits, and navigation, between the United States of America and the King of Spain, made at San. Lorenzo el Real, on the seven and twentieth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five:Compensation. And provided, also, That the compensation to be allowed to the person or persons, so to be appointed by the President of the United States, shall not exceed in amount the compensation allowed by the government of Georgia to the persons appointed on its part, for the same object.