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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/227

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extremity, by removing its southern boundary to a distance not exceeding one hundred and fifty feet from its northern boundary; and also to form a basin on the canal between Sixth and Seventh streets west, according to such plan as shall be approved by the President of the United States.

Approved, May 20, 1826.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 20, 1826.

Chap. CX.An Act making appropriations to defray the expenses of negotiating and carrying into effect certain Indian treaties.

Sums appropriated for the objects hereinafter mentioned.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter mentioned, that is to say:

Sundry stipulations.To carry into effect sundry stipulations of treaties with the Cherokees, Creeks, Socks, and Foxes, Ioways, Quapaws, and Choctaws, namely:

The annuity under the Cherokee treaty, Oct. 24, 1804.For payment of the annuity provided for by the second article of the Cherokee treaty, of twenty-fourth of October, eighteen hundred and four, annually, forever, one thousand dollars.

Claims of citizens of Georgia against the Creek nation.For payment of the fifth and last instalment, due in the present year, on the claims of the citizens of Georgia, against the Creek nation, under the fourth article of the treaty with the said nation, of the eighth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, twenty-three thousand dollars.

For the annuity of the Sock and Fox Indians.For the annuity of the Sock and Fox Indians, provided for by the third article of the treaty with them, of fourth August, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, annually, for nine years, one thousand dollars.

For the annuity of the Ioways.For the annuity of the Ioways, provided for by the second article of the treaty with them, of fourth August, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, annually, for nine years, five hundred dollars.

For supporting blacksmiths, &c.For the expense, annually, of supporting blacksmiths, furnishing farming utensils and cattle, and employing persons to aid the Socks and Foxes and Ioways, in agriculture, as provided for by the fourth and fifth articles of the aforesaid treaties with them, three thousand dollars.

For the annuity of the Quapaws.For the annuity of the Quapaws, provided for by the second article of the treaty with them, of fifteenth November, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, annually, for ten years, one thousand dollars.

For the annuity to the Chickasaws for 1821.For payment of the annuity due to the Chickasaw nation, for the year eighteen hundred and twenty-one, under the several treaties with them, which has remained unpaid in consequence of the delinquency of late agent, Robert C. Nicholas, and against whom suit has been instituted for the recovery of the amount, thirty-five thousand one hundred dollars.

To carry into effect the treaties with the Osages and Kansas.To carry into effect the treaties with the Osages, of the second, and with the Kansas, of 3d June, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, namely:—

Surveying.For surveying the lands reserved to said Indians by said treaties, ten thousand dollars.