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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/309

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ing the existing controversy with Great Britain relating thereto to a speedy termination.

Approved, April 17, 1828.

Statute Ⅰ.

April 17, 1828.

Chap. XXXI.An Act explanatory of “An act to grant a certain quantity of land to the state of Ohio for the purpose of making a road from Columbus to Sandusky.”

Forty-nine sections of land to be located in the Delaware land district in lieu of lands designated in the act of March 3, 1827, ch. 93.
Act of Dec. 12, 1811, ch. 8.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in lieu of the lands appropriated by the act approved on the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, there shall be granted to the state of Ohio, for the purposes designated in the said act, forty-nine sections of land, to be located in the Delaware land district, in the following manner, to wit: every alternate section, through which the road may run, and the section adjoining thereto, on the west, so far as the said sections remain unsold, and, if any part of the said sections shall have been disposed of, then a quantity equal thereto, shall be selected under the direction of the commissioner of the general land office, from the vacant lands in the sections adjoining on the west of those appropriated.

Approved, April 17, 1828.

Statute Ⅰ.

April 28, 1828.

Chap. XXXIX.An Act to extend the time allowed for the redemption of land sold for direct taxes in certain cases.[1]

Time allowed for the redemption of lands which have been sold for the non-payment of taxes, under acts of Aug. 2, 1813, ch. 37, Jan. 9, 1815, ch. 21, and March 5, 1816, ch. 24, revived and extended for three years.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the time allowed for the redemption of lands which have been, or may be, sold for the non-payment of taxes under the several acts passed on the second of August, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen; the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen; and the fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, for laying and collecting a direct tax within the United States, so far as the same have been purchased for, or on behalf of, the United States, be revived, and be extended for the further term of three years, from and after the expiration of the present session of Congress: Provided, also, That on such redemption, interest shall be paid at the rate of twenty per centum on the taxes aforesaid, and on the additions of twenty per centum, chargeable thereon; and the right of redemption shall enure, as well as to the heirs and assignees of the land so purchased, on behalf of the United States, as to the originals thereof.

Approved, April 28, 1828.

  1. Acts extending the time for the sales of land for direct taxes:
    An act supplementary to the several acts relating to direct taxes, April 20, 1818, ch. 83, sec. 3, 4.
    An act extending the time allowed for the redemption of land sold for direct taxes, in certain cases, May 11, 1820, ch. 88.
    An act reviving and extending the time allowed for the redemption of land sold for direct taxes, in certain cases, Feb. 4, 1822, ch. 4.
    An act extending the time allowed for the redemption of land sold for direct taxes, in certain cases, March 3, 1823, ch. 47.
    An act to extend the time allowed for the redemption of land sold for direct taxes, in certain cases, May 16, 1826, ch. 59.
    An act extending the time allowed for the redemption of land sold for direct taxes, in certain cases, April 28, 1828, ch. 39.