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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/317

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On iron, or steel wire.Fourth. On iron or steel wire, not exceeding number fourteen, six cents per pound, and over number fourteen, ten cents per pound.

On round iron, or brazier’s rods.Fifth.On round iron, or brazier’s rods, of three sixteenths to eight sixteenths of an inch diameter, inclusive; and on iron in nail or spike rods, slit or rolled; and on iron in sheets, and hoop iron and on iron slit or rolled for band iron, scroll iron, or casement rods, three and one half cents per pound.

On axes, adzes, &c.Sixth. On axes, adzes, drawing knives, cutting knives, sickels, or reaping hooks, scythes, spades, shovels, squares, of iron or steel, bridle bits of all descriptions, steelyards and scale beams, socket chisels, vices, and screws of iron for wood, called wood screws, ten per cent. ad valorem, in addition to the present rates of duty.

On steel.Seventh. On steel, one dollar and fifty cents per one hundred and twelve pounds.

On lead, in pigs or sheets.Eighth. On lead, in pigs, bars, or sheets, three cents per pound; on leaden shot, four cents per pound; on red or white lead, dry or ground in oil, five cents per pound; on litharge, orange mineral, lead manufactured into pipes, and sugar of lead, five cents per pound.

After June 30, 1828, there be collected, &c. the following duties:Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the importation of the articles hereinafter mentioned, the following duties, in lieu of those now imposed by law.

On wool unmanufactured.
Wool imported.
First. On wool unmanufactured, four cents per pound; and also, in addition thereto, forty per cent. ad valorem, until the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine; from which time an additional ad valorem duty of five per cent. shall be imposed, annually until the whole of said ad valorem duty shall amount to fifty per cent. And all wool imported on the skin, shall be estimated as to weight and value, and shall pay the same rate of duty as other imported wool.

On manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except carpetings, &c.
Proviso: on all manufactures of wool, except, &c.
Second. On manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, (except carpetings, blankets, worsted stuff goods, bombazines, hosiery, mits, gloves, caps, and bindings,) the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall not exceed fifty cents the square yard, shall be deemed to have cost fifty cents the square yard and be charged thereon with a duty of forty per centum ad valorem, until the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and from that time a duty of forty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That on all manufactures of wool, except flannels and baizes, the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall not exceed thirty-three and one third cents per square yard, shall pay fourteen cents per square yard.

On all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except as aforesaid, to exceed fifty cents the square yard.Third. On all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except as aforesaid, the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall exceed fifty cents the square yard, and shall not exceed one dollar the square yard, shall be deemed to have cost one dollar the square yard, and be charged thereon with a duty of forty per centum ad valorem, until the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and from that time a duty of forty-five per centum ad valorem.

On all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except as aforesaid, not to exceed 2 dollars and 50 cents the square yard, shall be deemed, &c.Fourth. On all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except as aforesaid, the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall exceed one dollar the square yard, and shall not exceed two dollars and fifty cents the square yard, shall be deemed to have cost two dollars and fifty cents the square yard, and be charged with a duty thereon of forty per centum ad valorem, until the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and from that time a duty of forty-five per centum ad valorem.

Fifth. All manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except as aforesaid, the actual value of which, at the place