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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/328

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Nothing in this act to be construed to extend to any court, &c.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to extend to any court of the United States now established, or which may hereafter be established, in the state of Louisiana.[1]

Approved, May 19, 1828.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 23, 1828.

Chap. LXIX.An Act to authorize the building of lighthouses, and for other purposes.

Secretary of the Treasury empowered to provide for building lighthouses, &c.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, empowered to provide, by contract, for building lighthouses and light vessels, and erecting beacons, and placing buoys, on the following sites and shoals, to wit:

At Dice’s Head.In the state of Maine, a lighthouse at Dice’s Head.

On Nobsque point.In the state of Massachusetts, a lighthouse on Nobsque point; one on the Point of Flats, at the entrance of Edgartown harbour; a lighthouse on Dumpling rock, south of the mouth of Aponeganset river.

On Nayat point, &c.In the state of Rhode Island, a lighthouse on Nayat point; and two pyramids or spindles, to wit: one on a reef of rocks, under water, opposite to Pawtuxet, and one on a reef of rocks, opposite the Punham Rock, in the northern part of Narraganset bay.

Beacon light on Spindle Rock.In the state of Connecticut, a beacon light on or near the Spindle Rock, at the mouth of Black Rock harbour.

Two lighthouses north of Kinder Hook, &c.In the state of New York, two small lighthouses, to wit: one on the flats, two miles north of Kinder Hook, upper landing, called the Drowned Lands, and one on the point of the island on the west side of the channel, opposite the lower landing. A lighthouse at a proper site, at or near Portland, on Lake Erie.

Two lighthouses on Little Watt’s Island, &c.In the state of Maryland, two lighthouses; one on Little Watt’s Island, at the south-eastern extremity of Tangier Sound; and the other on Clay Island, at the northernmost extremity of the same sound; and a beacon light, or a small lighthouse on Point Lookout, in the Chesapeake bay.

Lighthouse on Smith’s point.In the state of Virginia, a lighthouse on Smith’s point, at the mouth of the Potomac, in the Chesapeake bay.

Light vessel to be substituted, &c.In the state of North Carolina, a light vessel, to be substituted for the lighthouse heretofore directed to be built at the Point of Marsh, at the mouth of Neuse river.

Beacon lighthouse on Pamptico Sound, &c.A beacon light, or small lighthouse, at a proper site on Pamptico point; and one at the south entrance of Roanoake marshes.

Lighthouse in Mobile bay, &c.In the state of Alabama, a lighthouse at or near Choctaw point, in Mobile bay; and an iron spindle on Sand island, on the outer bar of Mobile bay.

Two lighthouses, one at Otter creek point, &c.In the territory of Michigan, two lighthouses; one at Otter creek point, at the head of Lake Erie, and the other on the Island of Bois Blanc, near Michilimacinac.

Lighthouse, St. John’s river.In the territory of Florida, a lighthouse at the mouth of St. John’s river.

Sums appropriated to be paid from the treasury.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums of money be appropriated and paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this act into effect, viz:

Lighthouse on Dice’s Head.For building a lighthouse on Dice’s Head, five thousand dollars.

Lighthouse on Nobsque Rock, &c.For a lighthouse on Nobsque point, three thousand dollars; and for the pier and lighthouse at the entrance of Edgartown harbour, five thousand five hundred dollars.

Lighthouse, Dumpling rock.For a lighthouse on Dumpling rock, four thousand dollars.

  1. See an act to regulate the mode of practice in the courts of the United States in Louisiana, May 26, 1824, ch. 181, and notes to that act.