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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/341

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each, than one hundred dollars: The forgery of any such certificate, or any transfer thereof, or of any power of attorneyForgery of certificates. purporting to authorize such transfer, shall be punishable in like manner with the forgery of a certificate of the public debt of the United States.

An agent or agents to be employed for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions to the loan or loans authorized by this act.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said corporations are, respectively, empowered to employ an agent, or agents, for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions to the loan or loans authorized by this act, or of selling from time to time, the certificates of stock which may be created in pursuance thereof, and to fix the compensation of such agent or agents, which they shall respectively pay, as well as all other expenses attending the said loans, out of the proceeds thereof, or of any other funds which they may respectively provide.

A tax at the rate of one per centum per annum and thirteen hundredths of one per centum levied on the assessed value of the real, &c. estates within the cities of Washington, Georgetown.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That a tax, at the rate of one per centum and thirteen-hundredths of one per centum on the assessed value of the real and personal estates within the city of Washington, as shall appear by the appraisement thereof, made under the authority of the corporation, or of the several acts of Congress, hereinafter declared to be revived and in force, within the said corporation to be existing, at the time hereinafter limited for the collection of the said tax; and at the rate of fifty-six hundredths of one per centum on the assessed value of the real and personal estate within the town of Georgetown, as shall appear by the appraisement thereof, made under the authority of the corporation, or of the several acts of Congress hereinafter declared to be revived and in force, within the said corporation, to be existing at the time hereinafter limited for the collection of the said tax; and at the rate of fifty-eight hundredthsTax on property in Alexandria. of one per centum on the assessed value of the real and personal estate within the town of Alexandria, as shall appear by the appraisement thereof, made under the authority of the corporation of the said town, or of the several acts of Congress, hereinafter declared to be revived and in force, within the said corporation, to be existing at the time hereinafter limited for the collection of the said tax; be, and the same is hereby, imposed and assessed on the real and personal estate lying and being in the said city and towns: and, upon the failure of the said corporations, or any of them, to pay, into the treasury of the United States, ninety days before the same shall become due, to the holders of the shares or certificates of such loan or loans, as aforesaid, according to the terms and conditions thereof, the sum, or sums which they or any of them shall have, respectively, stipulated to pay at the expiration of the period aforesaid, so that the same shall not be ascertained beforehand to be in readiness to meet the demand or claim about to arise on the shares or certificates of the said loanPresident authorized to appoint a collector or collectors.—the President of the United States shall be, and he is hereby, empowered to appoint a collector or collectors, whose duty it shall be to proceed and collect the tax imposed as above, on the real and personal estate in the said city and towns, or either of them, the corporation or corporations of which shall have so failed to pay as aforesaid, in advance, the sum or sums about to become due and demandable as aforesaid, or any part thereof remaining unpaid, as aforesaid, into the treasury ninety days in advance; such part, in case a part only be so in arrear, to be rateably and equally assessed, levied, and collected, upon the property chargeable, as aforesaid, with the said tax, within the said city and towns, or either of them, making such default in paying as required, ninety days in advance as aforesaid; the appraisement or assessment of the value of the said estates, preparatory to the collection of the said tax, if not previously made by the said corporation, to be made in the mode prescribed, as aforesaid, in the several acts of Congress hereby revived and put in operation:Proviso. Provided, That if satisfactory evidence be afforded the President of the United States, by the several corporations aforesaid, that they are proceeding, in good faith, to raise and pay, in due time, their