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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/360

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rations, and five dollars a month; and every surgeon in the navy, while in actual service at sea, shall also, in addition to his usual compensation, receive double rations, and ten dollars a month.

Approved, May 24, 1828.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 24, 1828.

Chap. CXXII.An Act authorizing the legislative council of the territory of Michigan to take charge of school lands in said territory.

Governor, &c. to make such laws, &c. as they may deem expedient, to protect from injury, &c., section 16, reserved in each township for the support of schools, &c.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the governor and legislative council of the territory of Michigan be, and they are hereby, authorized to make such laws and needful regulations, as they shall deem most expedient, to protect from injury and waste section numbered sixteen, in said territory, reserved in each township, for the support of schools therein; and to provide, by law, for leasing the same, for any term not exceeding four years, in such manner as to render them productive, and most conducive to the objects for which they were designed.

Approved, May 24, 1828.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 24, 1828.

Chap. CXXIII.An Act making appropriations for the military service of the United States, for the first quarter of the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine.

Sums appropriated for the military service for the 1st quarter of 1829.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the military service of the United States, for the first quarter of the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, to wit:

Pay of the army, &c.For pay of the army, and pay and subsistence of the officers, two hundred and sixty-four thousand and seventy-six dollars.

Forage.For forage for officers, ten thousand and thirty-two dollars.

Clothing of officers’ servants.For clothing of officers’ servants, four thousand nine hundred and forty-two dollars.

Recruiting service.For the recruiting service, nine thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses.For the contingent expenses of the recruiting service, four thousand dollars.

Subsistence department.For the subsistence department, fifty-four thousand two hundred dollars.

Purchasing department.For the purchasing department, forty-four thousand five hundred and ninety-four dollars and thirty-seven cents.

Medical department.For the medical department, six thousand dollars.

Quartermaster general’s department.For the quartermaster general’s department, eighty-five thousand two hundred and twenty dollars.

Military academy.For the military academy at West Point, three thousand dollars.

Contingencies of the army.For the contingencies of the army, two thousand five hundred dollars.

National armories.For the national armories, ninety thousand dollars.

Ordnance department.For the current expenses of the ordnance service, sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

New fortifications.For armament of new fortifications, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sums herein appropriated shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated; but that no part of the same shall be drawn from the treasury before the first January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine.

Approved, May 24, 1828.