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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/375

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States, and for the safe keeping of prisoners, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars.

Payment of pensions.For the payment of sundry pensions granted by the late and present governments, five hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.

Maintenance of lighthouses, &c.For the support of lighthouses, floating lights, and other objects, for the protection of navigation, forty-two thousand dollars.

Surveying public lands.For surveying the public lands of the United States, ten thousand dollars.

Stationery, &c.For stationery and books for the offices of commissioners of loans, four hundred dollars.

Keepers of public archives in Florida.For the salaries of the two keepers of the public archives in Florida territory, two hundred and fifty dollars.

Salaries of ministers, &c. abroad.For the salaries of the ministers of the United States at London, Paris, Madrid, St. Petersburg, Mexico, and Colombia; for the salaries of chargés des affaires at Stockholm, the Netherlands, Denmark, Lisbon, Guatemala, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, Peru, and Chili; for the salaries of the secretaries of legation, and for the contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, thirty-one thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Agents of claims, London and Paris.For the salaries of the agents of claims at London and Paris, one thousand dollars.

Relief, &c. of distressed American seamen.For the relief and protection of distressed American seamen in foreign countries, six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several sums hereby appropriated shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, January 6, 1829.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

Jan. 6, 1829.

Chap. II.An Act restricting the location of certain land claims in the territory of Arkansas, and for other purposes.

Persons entitled to a donation of land in Arkansas, by virtue of an act entitled, &c., not allowed to enter the improvement of actual settlers, &c.
Act of May 24, 1828, ch. 108.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That no person entitled to a donation of land by the eighth section of an act, entitled “An act to aid the state of Ohio in extending the Miami canal from Dayton to Lake Erie, and to grant a quantity of land to said state to aid in the construction of the canals authorized by law, and for making donations of land to certain persons in the Arkansas territory,” shall be permitted to enter the improvement of any actual settler in the territory of Arkansas, before the same shall have been offered for sale, unless it be with the consent of such actual settler; and all entries which may be so made shall be considered null and void.

Residents south of Arkansas river, &c. west of territorial line, not entitled to donation given by said act, unless, &c.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That no person residing south of the Arkansas river, and west of the present territorial line, shall be entitled to the donation of land given by the eighth section aforesaid, unless said persons shall move east of said line; and, in that case, they shall be entitled to the donations specified in the said eighth section of said act, under the restrictions aforesaid.

Approved, January 6, 1829.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

Jan. 6, 1829.

Chap. III.An Act to preserve from injury and waste the school lands in the territory of Arkansas.

Governor and general assembly of Arkansas, authorized to protect the lands, &c.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the governor and general assembly of the territory of Arkansas be, and they are hereby,