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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/421

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Purchase of books.For the increase of the library, subscription to military and scientific journals, and binding books, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Philosophical apparatus.For philosophical apparatus, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six dollars.

Models, &c.For models and modeller, and books on architecture, for department of engineering, one thousand dollars.

Repairing mathematical instruments, &c.For repairing mathematical instruments, and for models for drawing department, two hundred and fifty dollars.

Chemical apparatus, &c.For apparatus pertaining to the chemical and mineralogical department, materia chemica and contingencies, eight hundred and sixty-eight dollars and sixty-four cents.

Miscellaneous items.For miscellaneous items, one thousand six hundred and thirty-six dollars.

Incidental expenses.For incidental expenses, four hundred dollars.

Arrearages.For arrearages of clerk hire for one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, two hundred and seventy dollars.

Contingencies.For contingencies of the army, ten thousand dollars.

Armories.For the national armories, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars.

Armament.For the armament of the fortifications, one hundred thousand dollars.

Ordnance service.For the current expenses of the ordnance service, fifty-six thousand dollars.

Arsenals.For arsenals, ninety thousand two hundred dollars.

Recruiting service.For the recruiting service, five thousand two hundred and ninety-two dollars, in addition to an unexpended balance of seventeen thousand and ninety-three dollars.

Contingent expenses of recruiting service.For contingent expenses of the recruiting service, nine thousand seven hundred and six dollars, in addition to an unexpended balance of three thousand and eighty-five dollars.

Arrearages, &c.For arrearages prior to the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, five thousand dollars.

Arrearages, &c.For arrearages between the first of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and the thirty-first of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, one thousand dollars.

Approved, March 11, 1830.

Statute Ⅰ.

March 11, 1830.

Chap. XXXII.An Act making appropriations for the naval service for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty.

Appropriations for naval service.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated:

Pay of officers, &c.For pay and subsistence of the officers of the navy, and pay of seamen, one million four hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars.

Pay of Supts., naval constructors, &c.For pay of superintendents, naval constructors, and all the civil establishment of the several navy yards and stations, fifty-seven thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars.

Provisions.For provisions, four hundred and fifty-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-seven dollars.

Repairs, and wear and tear.For repairs of vessels in ordinary, and the wear and tear of vessels in commission, five hundred and ninety thousand dollars.

Medicines, &c.For medicines, surgical instruments, hospital stores, and other expenses on account of the sick, thirty thousand five hundred dollars.

Ordnance, &c.For ordnance and ordnance stores, thirty thousand dollars.

Timber sheds.For timber sheds, viz: one at Portsmouth, two at Boston, two at New York, one at Washington, and three at Norfolk, at nine thousand five hundred dollars each, eighty-five thousand five hundred dollars.