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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/429

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In certain cases, captain of vessel may deposit copy of manifest with surveyor at Hampton.revenue cutter on that station for the purpose of boarding vessels, or when the state of the weather may be such as to render it impracticable to send an officer on board any vessel bound up James river, having a cargo from a foreign port, the captain is hereby authorized and directed to deposit, with the surveyor at Hampton, a copy of the manifest of the cargo on board said vessel.

Approved, March 23, 1830.

Statute Ⅰ.

March 23, 1830.

Chap. XXXVI.An Act to continue in force “An act authorizing certain soldiers in the late war to surrender the bounty lands drawn by them, and to locate others in lieu thereof,” and for other purposes.

Act of May 22, 1826, ch. 147, authorizing, &c. continued for 5 years, and its provisions extended to, &c.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act of the twenty-second of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, entitled “An act authorizing certain soldiers in the late war to surrender the bounty lands drawn by them, and to locate others in lieu thereof,” be, and the same is hereby, continued in force for the term of five years. And the provisions of the above recited act, shall be, and are hereby, extended to those having like claims in the states of Illinois and Missouri.

Approved, March 23, 1830.

Statute Ⅰ.

March 23, 1830.

Chap. XL.An Act to provide for taking the fifth census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States.[1]

Marshals of United States to cause inhabitants to be enumerated, &c.
Act of Feb. 3, 1831, ch. 17.
Act of May 5, 1832, ch. 74, sec. 2.
Act of May 22, 1832, ch. 91.
All free white persons enumerated to be classed according to sex and age.
Enumeration to state number of deaf and dumb between certain ages.
Also, number of blind.
All coloured persons enumerated to be classed according to sex and age.
Enumeration to state number of deaf and dumb, and of blind.
Marshals to appoint assistants, &c.
Assistants to be residents, &c.
Portion of territory assigned to each not to exceed, &c.; to be distinctly defined.
Enumeration to be made by actual inquiry, &c.
Marshals, &c., to take oath, &c.
Oath or affirmation of marshal;
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the marshals of the several districts of the United States, and of the District of Columbia, and of the territories of Michigan, Arkansas, and of Florida, respectively, shall be, and are hereby, required, under the direction of the Secretary of the Department of State, and according to such instructions as he shall give, pursuant to this act, to cause the number of the inhabitants within their respective district and territories, (omitting, in such enumeration, Indians not taxed,) to be taken according to the directions of this act. The said enumeration shall distinguish the sexes of all free white persons, and ages of the free white males and females, respectively, under five years of age; those of five and under ten years of age; those of ten years and under fifteen; those of fifteen and under twenty; those of twenty and under thirty; those of thirty and under forty; those of forty and under fifty; those of fifty and under sixty; those of sixty and under seventy; those of seventy and under eighty: those of eighty and under ninety: those of ninety and under one hundred; those of one hundred upwards; and shall further distinguish the number of those free white persons included in such enumeration, who are deaf and dumb, under the age of fourteen years; and those of the age of fourteen years and under twenty-five, and of the age of twenty-five years and upwards; and shall further distinguish the number of those free white persons included in such enumeration, who are blind. The said enumeration shall distinguish the sexes of all free coloured persons, and of all other coloured persons bound to service for life, or for a term of years, and the ages of such free and other coloured persons, respectively, of each sex, under ten years of age; those of ten and under twenty-four; those of twenty-four and under thirty-six; those of thirty-six and under fifty-five; those of fifty-five and under one hundred; and those of one

  1. See notes of the acts providing for the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States, vol. i. p. 101.