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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/433

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best of his or her knowledge, of every person belonging to such family, respectively, according to the several descriptions aforesaid,Penalty. on pain of forfeiting twenty dollars, to be sued for and recovered, in any action of debt, by such assistant: the one half to his own use, and the other half to the use of the United States.

Assistants to set up copies of schedule, &c.
Proviso: Setting up of schedule to be proved, &c.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That each and every assistant, previous to making his return to the marshal, shall cause a correct copy, signed by himself, of the schedule containing the number of inhabitants within his division, to be set up at two of the most public places within the same, there to remain for the inspection of all concerned; for each of which copies, the said assistant shall be entitled to receive five dollars: Provided, proof of the schedule having been set up, shall be transmitted to the marshal, with the return of the number of persons; and, in case any assistant shall fail to make such proof to the marshal, with the return of the number of persons, as aforesaid, he shall forfeit the compensation allowed him by this act.

Secretary of State to transmit instructions, &c.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of State shall be, and hereby is, authorized and required to transmit, to the marshals of the several districts and territories, regulations and instructions, pursuant to this act, for carrying the same into effect; and, also, the forms contained therein, of the schedule to be returned, and such other forms as may be necessary in carrying this act into execution, and proper interrogatories, to be administered by the several persons to be employed in taking the enumeration.

Provision regarding states composing two districts.Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That those states composing two districts, and where a part of a county may be in each district, such county shall be considered as belonging to that district in which the courthouse of said county may be situate.

Compensation or marshal and assistants, in certain cases.
Proviso: Compensation not to exceed, &c.
Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That, in all cases where the superficial content of any county, or parish, shall exceed twenty miles square, and the number of inhabitants in said parish or county shall not exceed three thousand, the marshals or assistants shall be allowed, with the approbation of the judges of the respective districts or territories, such further compensation as shall be deemed reasonable: Provided, The same does not exceed four dollars for every fifty persons by them returned; and when any such county or parish shall exceed forty miles square, and the number of inhabitants in the same shall not exceed three thousand, a like allowance shall be made, not to exceed six dollars for every fifty persons so returned.

3000 copies of the aggregate returns to be printed for use of Congress.
Proviso: Marshals shall not receive any consideration for appointment of assistant, &c.
Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That, when the aforesaid enumeration shall be completed, and returned to the office of the Secretary of State, by the marshals of the states and territories, he shall direct the printers to Congress to print, for the use of Congress, three thousand copies of the aggregate returns received from the marshals: And provided, That if any marshal, in any district within the United States or territories, shall, directly or indirectly, ask, demand or receive, or contract to receive, of any assistants to be appointed by him under this act, any fee, reward or compensation, for the appointment of such assistant to discharge the duties required of such assistant under this act, or shall retain from such assistant any portion of the compensation allowed to the assistant by this act, the said marshal shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and shall forfeit and pay the amount of five hundred dollars, for each offence, to be recovered by suit or indictment in any circuit or district court of the United States, or the territories thereof, one half to the use of the government, and the other half to the informer; and all contracts which may be made in violation of this law, shall be void, and all sums of money, or property, paid, may be recovered back by the party paying the same, in any court having jurisdiction of the same.