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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/436

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Statute Ⅰ.

March 25, 1830.

Chap. XLI.An Act making appropriations to carry into effect certain Indian treaties.

Appropriations.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, viz:

Permanent annuity under treaty of July, 1829.For payment, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty, of the permanent annuity provided for by the second article of the treaty concluded at Prairie du Chien, the twenty-ninth July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, with the Chippewa, Ottawa, and Pattawattamie Indians, sixteen thousand dollars.

Goods.For the purchase of goods, stipulated by the said article to be delivered to the said Indians, sixteen thousand dollars.

Salt.For the purchase of fifty barrels of salt, for one thousand eight hundred and thirty, stipulated by the said article, one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Transportation.For transportation of the said annuity and salt, and expense of provisions at the delivery of the same, one thousand dollars.

Claims.For the payment of claims provided for by the fifth article of the said treaty, eleven thousand six hundred and one dollars.

Surveying boundaries.For the expense of surveying the boundaries of the cession made by the said treaty, two thousand dollars.

Limited annuity under treaty August, 1829.For the payment, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty, of the limited annuity provided by the second article of the treaty made at Prairie du Chien, the second August, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, with the Winnebago Indians, eighteen thousand dollars.

Goods.For purchasing goods to be delivered at the treaty, as stipulated by the said second article, thirty thousand dollars.

Tobacco.For purchasing three thousand pounds of tobacco, per same article, for one thousand eight hundred and thirty, three hundred dollars.

Transportation.For transportation of the same, sixty dollars.

Salt.For purchasing fifty barrels of salt, per said second article, one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Transportation.For transportation of the same, one hundred dollars.

Blacksmith shops.For support of three blacksmith’s shops, including pay of smiths, and assistants, also tools, iron, steel, &c. for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty, as per same article, five hundred and thirty-five dollars.

Oxen and cart, &c.For the purchase of two yoke of oxen, and a cart, and for the services of a man at the portage of Wisconsin and Fox rivers, for one thousand eight hundred and thirty, as per same article, five hundred and thirty-five dollars.

Claims against Winnebagoes.For the payment of sundry claims against the Winnebagoes, as provided for by the fourth article of said treaty, twenty-three thousand five hundred and thirty-two dollars.

Survey of boundaries.For expense of surveying the boundaries of the territory ceded by the said treaty, one thousand seven hundred and forty dollars.

Approved, March 25, 1830.

Statute Ⅰ.

March 31, 1830.

Chap. XLVIII.An Act for the relief of the purchasers of public lands, and for the suppression of fraudulent practices at the public sales of the lands of the United States.[1]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all purchasers, their heirs or assignees, of such of the public lands of the United States as

  1. See notes to May 23, 1828, ch. 71.