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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/466

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said British colonial possessions, and their cargoes, subject to no other or higher duty of tonnage or impost, or charge of any description whatever, than would be levied on the vessels of the United States, or their cargoes, arriving from the said British possessions; and it shall be lawful for the said British vessels to import into the United States, and to export therefrom, any article or articles which may be imported or exported in vessels of the United States: and the act, entitledAct of April 18, 1818, ch. 70.
Act of May 15, 1820, ch. 122.
Act of March 1, 1823, ch. 22.
An act concerning navigation,” passed on the eighteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen; an act supplementary thereto, passed the fifteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty; and an act, entitled “An act to regulate the commercial intercourse between the United States, and certain British ports,” passed on the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, are, in such case, hereby declared to be suspended, or absolutely repealed, as the case may require.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, whenever the ports of the United States shall have been opened, under the authority given in the first section of this act, British vessels and their cargoes shall be admitted to an entry in the ports of the United States from the islands, provinces, or colonies, of Great Britain, on or near the North American continent, or north or east of the United States.

Approved, May 29, 1830.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 29, 1830.

Chap. CCVIII.An Act to grant pre-emption rights to settlers on the public lands.[1]

Act of June 22, 1838, ch. 119.
Certain settlers may enter quarter section.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That every settler or occupant of the public lands, prior to the passage of this act, who is now in pos-

  1. Pre-emption of Public Lands.
    Purchasers under John Cleves Symmes. Act of March 2, 1799, ch. 34. Act of March 3, 1801, ch. 23. Act of May 1, 1802, ch. 44. Act of March 3, 1803, ch. 21, sec. 4, 5.
    Mississippi. Act of March 3, 1803, ch. 27, sec. 3. Act of April 21, 1806, ch. 39, sec. 2, 7. Act of March 3, 1807, ch. 36, sec. 8. Act of April 22, 1826, ch. 28, sec. 5. Act of May 28, 1830, ch. 146, sec. 3.
    Tennessee. Act of April 18, 1806, ch. 31.
    Ohio. Act of April 21, 1806, ch. 39. Act of May 15, 1820, ch. 135.
    Michigan. Act of April 25, 1808, ch. 67, sec. 3.
    Louisiana. Act of February 15, 1811, ch. 14, sec. 5. Act of April 29, 1816, ch. 162. Act of March 3, 1819, ch. 86, sec. 4. Act of February 27, 1815, ch. 63, sec. 3, 4.
    Illinois. Act of February 5, 1813, ch. 20. Act of April 26, 1816, ch. 101, sec. 6. Act of April 16, 1814, ch. 61, sec. 4. Act of February 27, 1815, ch. 63, sec. 3, 4.
    Missouri. Act of April 12, 1814, ch. 52, sec. 5. Act of March 3, 1819, ch. 86, sec. 2, 3. Act of April 29, 1816, ch. 162. Act of July 9, 1832, ch. 180, sec. 3.
    Arkansas. Act of May 26, 1824, ch. 154.
    Further time given for filing of claims to pre-emption rights. Act of July 14, 1832, ch. 246.
    Alabama. Act of April 22, 1826, ch. 28.
    Florida. Act of April 22, 1826, ch. 28.
    Settlers on public land. Act of May 29, 1830, ch. 208. Act of July 14, 1832, ch. 246. Act of March 2, 1833, ch. 92. June 22, 1838, ch. 119.
    Settlers in the Salt Lick reservation in Tennessee. Act of March 3, 1839, ch. 178.
    Supplement to the act of June 22, 1838, ch. 119, to grant pre-emption rights to settlers on public lands. June 1, 1840, ch. 32.
    An act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of public lands, and to grant pre-emption rights. Act of September 4, 1841, ch. 16.
    An act to perfect the titles to lands south of the Arkansas river, held under New Madrid locations, and pre-emption rights, under the act of one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. March 1, 1843, ch. 50.
    An act to authorize the investigation of alleged frauds under the pre-emption laws, and for other purposes. March 3, 1843, ch. 86.
    An act granting a section of land for the improvement of Grant river, at the town of Potosi, in Wisconsin territory. June 15, 1844, ch. 50.
    An act to confirm entries to land in the St. Augustine land district, in the territory of Florida, made under the pre-emption law of 22d June, 1838. June 15, 1844, ch. 74.
    An act for the relief of the citizens of towns upon the lands of the United States, under certain circumstances. May 23, 1844, ch. 17.