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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/478

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approved the twelfth of December, eighteen hundred and twenty, as requires an annual account of the application, by the said state, of the said three per centum, to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, be, and the same is hereby, repealed.

Approved, January 13, 1831.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

Jan. 13, 1831.

Chap. III.An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian treaties.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated, for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty:

Chippewa school.For the annual support of a school for the education of Indian youth, as stipulated for by the sixth article of the treaty of the fifth of August, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, with the Chippewa tribe of Indians, one thousand dollars.

Pattawatamie annuity and education.For the payment of the annuity of two thousand dollars, and also the sum of two thousand dollars for education, as stipulated for by the third article of the treaty of the sixteenth of October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, with the Pattawatamies, the annual sum of four thousand dollars.

Blacksmith, &c.For the annual support of a blacksmith and miller, and for furnishing annually one hundred and sixty bushels of salt, under the same treaty, one thousand five hundred and twenty dollars.

Pattawatamie annuities.For the payment of the permanent and limited annuities provided for by the second article of the treaty with the Pattawatamies, of the twentieth of September, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, annually the sum of three thousand dollars.

Tobacco, &c.For tobacco, iron, steel, education, annuity to the principal chief, and employment of labourers, by same article, one thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars.

Miamie annuity.For payment of permanent annuity under the fourth article of the treaty with the Miamies, of the twenty-third of October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Iron, &c.For iron, steel, tobacco, and labourers, by same article, one thousand one hundred dollars.

Support of poor.For support of the poor and infirm, and for education, under the sixth article of said treaty, two thousand dollars.

Approved, January 13, 1831.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

Jan. 19, 1831.

Chap. VI.An Act to amend an act, entitled “An act to provide for paying to the states of Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama, three per centum of the net proceeds arising from the sale of the public lands within the same.”

Act of May 3, 1822, c. 46.
States of Missouri, Mississippi and Alabama exonerated from obligation to render annual account of, &c.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of an act, entitled “An act to provide for paying to the states of Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama, three per centum of the net proceeds arising from the sale of the public lands within the same,” approved the third of May, eighteen hundred and twenty-two, as requires an annual account of the application of the said three per centum, to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

Approved, January 19, 1831.