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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/505

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a charge d’affaires, four thousand five hundred dollars; for a salary of a drogoman, two thousand five hundred dollars; for the contingent expenses of the legation, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, in addition to the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars hereinafter appropriated, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars.

For contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, twenty thousand dollars.

For the salaries of the agents for claims at London and Paris, four thousand dollars.

For the expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers, thirty thousand dollars.

For the relief and protection of American seamen, in foreign countries, twenty thousand dollars.

For the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, twenty-five thousand dollars.

1830, ch. 154.For carrying into effect the act of May twenty-ninth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, for the settlement of the accounts of certain diplomatic functionaries, ten thousand five hundred dollars.

Property lost, &c.
1825, ch. 66.
For the payment of claims for property lost, captured or destroyed by the enemy, the balance of the appropriation made by the act of third March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, heretofore carried to the surplus fund, thirty-two thousand seventy-three dollars and eighty cents.

James Parker.For the compensation due to James Parker for investigating the accounts of Robert Arnold, late collector of Amboy, two hundred [and] nine dollars and sixty-four cents.

Boundary of Louisiana and Arkansas.For the designating and marking the boundary line between the state of Louisiana and the district of Arkansas, three thousand dollars; the same to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State.

Revision of estimates.For preparing a revision of the former estimates of the population of the United States, one thousand dollars.

Approved, March 2, 1831.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

March 2, 1831.

Chap. LVI.An Act making additional appropriations for the improvement of certain harbours, and removing obstructions in the mouths of certain rivers.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums of money be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for carrying on and completing certain works heretofore commenced, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, viz:

Huron river.For removing obstructions at the mouth of Huron river, Ohio, three thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.

Black river.For removing sand bar at or near the mouth of Black river, Ohio, nine thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Cleaveland harbour.For completing the improvement of Cleaveland harbour, Ohio, three thousand six hundred and seventy dollars.

Grand river.For completing the removal of obstructions at the mouth of Grand river, Ohio, five thousand six hundred and eighty dollars.

Ashtabula creek.For completing the removal of obstructions at the mouth of Ashtabula creek, Ohio, seven thousand and fifteen dollars.

Conneaut creek.For improving the navigation of Conneaut creek, Ohio, six thousand three hundred and seventy dollars.

Presque isle.For completing the improvement of the harbour of Presque Isle, Pennsylvania, one thousand seven hundred dollars.

Genesee river.For improving the navigation of Genesee river, New York, sixteen thousand six hundred and seventy dollars.