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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/508

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Suppress slave trade.For carrying into effect the acts for the suppression of the slave trade, including the support in the United States, and for a term not exceeding six months after their arrival in Africa, of all persons removed from the United States under the said acts, ten thousand dollars.

Balances.The said several sums to be respectively applied to the several objects of appropriation above mentioned, in addition to the unexpended balances of appropriation for similar objects in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty.

Support of Africans.For the support of certain Africans brought into the port of New Orleans in the Spanish schooner Fenix, and now in the charge of the marshal of the eastern district of Louisiana, six thousand dollars, to be applied to their support under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, at a rate not exceeding twenty cents per day.

Captain William B. Finch.To enable the President of the United States to allow compensation to Captain William B. Finch, for extra services and expenses in command of the sloop of war Vincennes, in the years one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine and one thousand eight hundred and thirty, five thousand dollars; the accounts for such services and expenses to be settled under the direction of the President.

Benjamin Pendleton.For compensation to Captain Benjamin Pendleton for moneys paid by him for cancelling the charter-party, and outfit and demurrage of the brig Seraph, of Stonington, for his pay as a lieutenant of the navy, and for moneys paid by him to the ship keeper of the said vessel, four thousand seven hundred and sixty-three dollars.

Monument at navy yard.For re-building and removing the monument erected in the navy yard at Washington, by the officers of the American navy, to the memory of those who fell in battle in the Tripolitan war, a sum not exceeding twenty-one hundred dollars, to be expended under the orders of the Secretary of the Navy.

Marine barracks.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum heretofore appropriated for the erection of marine barracks at Philadelphia, and which has passed to the surplus fund, be, and the same is hereby, re-appropriated to the said object.

Approved, March 2, 1831.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

March 2, 1831.

Chap. LVIII.An Act making appropriations for carrying on certain roads and works of internal improvement, and for providing for surveys.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated to the several objects respectively herein named, to be applied during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, the same to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, viz:

Detroit, &c.For continuing the road from Detroit towards Chicago, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.

For continuing the road from Detroit to fort Gratiot, Michigan, eight thousand dollars.

For continuing the road from Detroit to Saganaw bay, eight thousand dollars.

T. S. Knapp.For arrearage due to T. S. Knapp, fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents.

Surveys, &c.
1824, ch. 46.
For defraying the expenses incidental to making examinations and surveys under the act of the thirtieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Navigation of Ohio and Mississippi rivers.For improving the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, to be expended under the existing laws, fifty thousand dollars.

That the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to the improvement of the navigation of the