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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/558

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and forfeitures, incurred in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and preceding years; and, likewise, for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safe-keeping of prisoners, one hundred and ninety thousand dollars.

Pensions.For the payment of sundry pensions granted by the late and present governments, one thousand five hundred and fifty dollars.

Lighting public grounds, &c.For expense of lighting the lamps in the Capitol square, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For improving the grounds round the President’s house, including the gardener’s salary, three thousand dollars.

For alterations and repairs in the President’s house, three hundred dollars.

Lighthouses, &c.For the support and maintenance of lighthouses, floating lights, beacons, buoys, and stakeages, including the purchase of oil, keepers’ salaries, repairs and improvements, and contingent expenses, two hundred and five thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight dollars.

For building a lighthouse on or near one of the islands called the Brothers at the Narrows, in Long Island Sound, New York, being the amount of an appropriation for that object,1829, ch. 25. carried to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, five thousand dollars.

For placing eight buoys at proper sites between the city of Albany and a point opposite Red Hook, New York, being the amount of an appropriation for that object, carried to the surplus fund on1829, ch. 25. the thirty-first of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, five hundred dollars.

For erecting a beacon near the Charleston lighthouse, in order to mark the entrance into the channel commonly known as Lawford’s channel, South Carolina, being the amount of an appropriation for that object, carried1829, ch. 25. to the surplus fund on the thirty-first December, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six hundred dollars.

Registers and receivers.For the salaries of registers and receivers of land offices, where there are no sales, two thousand dollars.

Survey of public lands.For surveying the public lands, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, viz: For the survey of the Choctaw cession in Mississippi, eighty thousand dollars; and for the survey of other public lands, eighty thousand dollars; and a further sum for the survey of the lands ceded by the Creeks to the United States, fifty thousand dollars.

Keepers of archives.For the salaries of two keepers of the public archives in Florida, one thousand dollars.

Census.For the revision of all former statements of the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States and their territories, being a balance due D. Green, for printing the abstract of said revision, two hundred and twenty-nine dollars.

Miscellaneous claims.For the discharge of such miscellaneous claims against the United States, not otherwise provided for, as shall be ascertained and admitted in due course of settlement at the treasury, twelve thousand dollars.

Commissioners of loans.For stationery and books for the offices of commissioners of loans, five hundred dollars.

Ships’ registers.For registers for ships and vessels, and lists of crews, four thousand dollars.

Luigi Persico.For the fourth payment to Luigi Persico, for two colossal statues for the Capitol, four thousand dollars.

Ministers.For the salaries of the ministers of the United States to Great Britain, France, Spain, Russia, and Colombia, forty-five thousand dollars.

Secretaries of legation.For the salaries of the secretaries of legation to the same places, ten thousand dollars.

Chargés.For the salaries of the chargés des affaires to Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Turkey, Belgium, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, Chili, Peru,