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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/570

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shall have been so completed; and upon obtaining such certificate, and depositing the same with the clerk of the circuit court of the District of Columbia, in the county of Washington, to be by him recorded, it shall and may be lawful, to and for the said mayor, aldermen, and common council, to commence the collection of the said wharfage and tolls. And such rightCollection to cease, &c. to collect the said rates of toll and wharfage shall cease, whenever the said canal shall be so out of repair as to impede the free and convenient use thereof by vessels or craft drawing four feet water, so long as the same shall so remain out of repair or obstructed.

Title of the United States in Mall vested in the mayor, &c.Sec. 8. And in order to aid the said mayor, aldermen, and common council, in fulfilling the objects and requirements of this act, Be it further enacted, That all the right, title, property, interest, and estate, in law or equity, of the United States, of, in, and to, that part of the public reservation in the city of Washington, known and designated as the Mall, which is bounded as follows; lying between Sixth and Fifteenth streets west, and extending from Canal street two hundred and fifteen feet south to the continuation of A street north, and all that part of the said reservation on the south side of the said Mall extending from B street south, three hundred and sixty-six feet, to A street south, and lying between Sixth and Fifteenth streets west, and all the right, title, interest, and estate, which is now, or ought to be, vested in any trustees, commissioners, or other person, for, and on behalf, and in trust, for the benefit of the United States, be, and the same are hereby, vested in the said mayor, aldermen, and common council, in fee, for the purpose, and to be by them sold and applied for the purposes aforesaid, or so much thereof as they shall deem it advisable to sell for the said purposes, and the said residue to hold and use for the benefit and convenience of the said city.

Width of landing.Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the said mayor, aldermen, and common council, shall not be authorized to occupy, nor permit others to occupy, more than forty feet for the purpose of landing on either side of the said canal, extending from the Eastern branch to Seventeenth street west upon the plan of the city.

Street on south side of canal.Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That a street be laid out along the entire length of said canal, on the south side thereof, of the width of eighty feet, between said Sixth and Fifteenth streets west, which shall be kept open for ever as a public street, and subjected to the same rules, regulations, and ordinances, as shall and may affect the other streets and avenues in said city; and that all the streets of said city running north and south, and all the avenues which, by continuing the same, shall extend through said Mall, and such as running westwardly and eastwardly would in like manner intersect the same, shall, in like manner, be opened and kept open, and subject as aforesaid.

Map of De Krafft.Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That a map or plat of the said land, squares, streets, and avenues, made and prepared by F. C. De Krafft, United States’ surveyor of the city of Washington, dated December twenty-seventh, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, marked A, be, and the same is hereby, ordered and directed to be recorded in the office of the commissioner of public buildings, and also in the office of said surveyor of the said city of Washington, and shall be held and deemed as indicating correctly the said lands and squares, streets and avenues, and be of full authority as designating and exhibiting the same.

Owners of lots on B. street, entitled to exchange them, &c.Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That if any proprietor or proprietors of any lots now fronting north on B street south, between said Sixth and Fifteenth streets, shall signify his, her, or their desire and intention to exchange said lots for an equal quantity of the lands herein and hereby conveyed to the said mayor, board of aldermen, and board of common council, situated on the south side of A street south, and immediately north of his, her, or their, said lots, it shall be the duty of the said mayor, board of aldermen, and board of common council, on such intention and