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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/62

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one hundred and nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-four dollars and thirty-three cents.

Registers, &c.For payment of the salaries of the registers and receivers of the different land offices, thirty-nine thousand dollars.

Surveying.For surveying the public lands, seventy-five thousand dollars.

Capitol.For continuing the work on the centre building, eighty-six thousand dollars.

Repairs in the room occupied by the Supreme Court.For alterations and repairs in the room occupied by the Supreme Court, six hundred and forty dollars.

Capitol square, &c.For improving the capitol square and painting the railing round the same, two thousand dollars.

Footways.For making a footway in front of the public grounds and open spaces between the Capitol and Navy office, five thousand dollars.

Stationery, &c. for commissioners of loans.For stationery and books, for the offices of commissioners of loans, two thousand dollars.

Rent, &c. of the tenement occupied by the President.For rent and repairs of the tenement formerly occupied as a temporary residence by the President of the United States, eight hundred and thirty-nine dollars, twenty-four cents.

Registers for ships, &c.For registers for ships and vessels of the United States, and for lists of crews, four thousand dollars.

Seamen.For sick, disabled, and destitute seamen, in foreign countries, forty thousand dollars.

Miscellaneous claims.For the discharge of miscellaneous claims against the United States, not otherwise provided for, as shall be admitted in due course of settlement at the treasury, six thousand dollars.

Ministers, &c. of the United States.For the salaries of the ministers of the United States to London, Paris, St. Petersburg, Madrid, and Lisbon, the chargé des affaires at Madrid, from the third of March to the fourth of November, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, and also for the chargé des affaires at Stockholm, and the Hague, fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars.

Ministers, &c. appointed to the governments on the continent of America.
For the salaries of the ministers or chargé des affairs of the United States, who have been, or may be appointed to the governments on the continent of America, thirty-six thousand dollars.

For outfits of the ministers to Paris and Madrid, eighteen thousand dollars.

Secretaries of legation.For salaries of the several secretaries of legation, eighteen thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses.For the contingent expenses of those missions, twenty thousand dollars.

Agents of claims.For the salaries of the agents of claims at London and Paris, four thousand dollars.

Commissioners, &c., under the first article of the treaty of Ghent, &c.For payment of the salaries of the commissioner and arbitrator under the first article of the treaty of Ghent, and for one half of the salary of the secretary, and half the contingent expenses of the commission, two thousand five hundred dollars, in addition to the unexpended balance of the appropriation for one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three for the same object.

Carrying into effect the sixth and seventh articles of the treaty of Ghent.
Barbary powers.
For expenses of carrying into effect the sixth and seventh articles of the treaty of Ghent, including the compensation of the commissioners, agents, and surveyors, and their contingent expenses, sixteen thousand dollars.

For expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers, thirty thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses for foreign intercourse.For contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, forty thousand dollars.

Extra clerks in General Post-office.For compensation for extra clerks employed in the General Post-office during the last year, nine hundred and thirty-nine dollars and twenty-five cents.