For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the commissioner of the general land office, twenty thousand five hundred dollars.
For compensation to the solicitor of the treasury, three thousand five hundred dollars.
For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the solicitor of the treasury, three thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.
For compensation to the secretary to the commissioners of the sinking fund, two hundred and fifty dollars.
For the expenses of stationery, printing, and all other incidental and contingent expenses of the Treasury Department, the following several sums, viz:
For the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, including advertising and extra copying, and the sum of one thousand dollars applied from this fund for clerk hire and other expenses incident to the issuing of revolutionary bounty land scrip, six thousand dollars.
For the office of the first comptroller, including expenses for printing, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.
For the office of the second comptroller, one thousand dollars.
For the office of the first auditor, eight hundred dollars.
For the office of the second auditor, eight hundred dollars.
For the office of the third auditor, one thousand dollars.
For the office of the fourth auditor, one thousand dollars.
For the office of the fifth auditor, one thousand dollars.
For the office of the treasurer of the United States, seven hundred dollars.
For the office of the register of the treasury, three thousand dollars.
For the office of the commissioner of the general land office, ten thousand dollars.
For printing, parchment, and other expenses of the land office during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, expended above the amount of the appropriation for such expenditures in that year, three thousand one hundred and fifty-eight dollars and forty cents.
For compensation for extra aid, during one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, in the issuing military land scrip, and patents founded on Virginia military surveys and on private claims, examining and adjusting the accounts of surveyors general, and writing and recording patents for lands sold, four thousand dollars.
For compensation to seven clerks employed in writing and recording patents for land sold, by the United States, in continuation of the appropriation made for the same object last year, seven thousand dollars.
For a deficit of last year’s appropriation for the same object for the month of December, four hundred and eighty-one dollars and sixty-seven cents: Provided, That no part of the appropriations herein made for the general land office, shall be applied or expended, for and on account of a resolution of the Senate passed the twenty-eighth day of February one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, requiring maps to be prepared designating thereon, by discriminating colours, the lands sold, the lands granted to the states for internal improvements, donations to individuals, military grants, and private claims confirmed by the government.
For the office of the solicitor of the treasury, twelve hundred dollars.
For translations, and transmitting passports and sea letters, three hundred dollars.
For stating and printing the public accounts for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, one thousand three hundred dollars.
For compensation of superintendent and watchmen of the south-east executive building, eight hundred and fifty dollars.
For contingent expenses of said building, three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.