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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/689

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Pay of army, &c.For various expenses of the quartermaster’s department, viz: for fuel, forage, straw, stationery, blanks, repairing officers’ quarters, barracks, store-houses, and hospitals; for erecting temporary cantonments, and gun-houses; for rent of quarters, store-houses, and land; for postage of letters on public service; for expenses of courts martial, including compensation of judge advocates, members and witnesses; for extra pay to soldiers employed on extra labour, under theAct of March 2, 1819, ch. 45. act of March second, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen; and for expenses of expresses, escorts to paymasters, and other contingencies to quartermaster’s department, two hundred and forty thousand dollars.

For transportation of officers’ baggage, and allowance for travel in lieu of transportation, and for per diem allowance to officers on topographical duty, fifty-three thousand dollars.

For transportation of clothing, subsistence, ordnance, and of lead from the mines, and for transportation of the army and funds for pay of the army, including the several contingencies and items of expenditure at the several stations and garrisons usually estimated under the head of transportation of the army, one hundred and twelve thousand dollars.

For defraying the expenses of the board of visiters at West Point, two thousand dollars.

For fuel, forage, stationery, printing, transportation and postage, for the military academy, eight thousand five hundred dollars.

For repairs, improvements, and expenses of buildings, grounds, roads, wharf, and boat, at West Point, four thousand dollars.

For pay of the adjutant’s and quartermaster’s clerk, nine hundred dollars.

For increase and expenses of the library, fourteen hundred dollars.

For philosophical apparatus, eight hundred and ninety dollars.

For models of the department of engineering, six hundred dollars.

For models for the drawing department, repairs of instruments for the mathematical department, apparatus and contingencies for the department of chemistry, nine hundred dollars.

Miscellaneous items and incidental expenses of the academy, one thousand five hundred and seventy-five dollars.

For contingencies of the army, ten thousand dollars.

For the national armories, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars.

For the armament of fortifications, one hundred thousand dollars.

For the current expenses of the ordnance service, sixty-nine thousand three hundred dollars.

For arsenals, ninety-six thousand five hundred dollars.

For the recruiting service, thirty thousand nine hundred and fifty-two dollars, in addition to an unexpended balance of twelve thousand dollars.

For the contingent expenses of the recruiting service, sixteen thousand and forty-four dollars, including an unexpended balance of eight thousand five hundred dollars on hand.

For the purchase of accoutrements and swords, sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For the purchase of cannon, fourteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For payment of arms for mounted rangers, two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight dollars.

For the purchase of arms for South Carolina, six thousand one hundred and thirty-one dollars.

For arrearages prior to the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, payable through the third auditor’s office, five thousand dollars.

1821, ch. 35.To enable the second auditor to close the accounts, under the act of third March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, allowing three months’ gratuitous pay to disbanded officers and soldiers, five hundred dollars.