entitled, “An act making further provision for the army of the United States,” passed on the sixteenth May, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, be, and the same is hereby, repealed, so far as it applies to any enlisted soldier, who shall be convicted by a general court martial of the crime of desertion.[1]
Approved, March 2, 1833.
Statute ⅠⅠ.
Chap. LXIX.—An Act making appropriations for carrying on certain works heretofore commenced for improvement of harbours and rivers, and, also, for continuing and repairing the Cumberland road, and certain territorial roads.
Appropriations.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums of money be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for carrying on or completing certain works and roads heretofore commenced, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Delaware breakwater.For carrying on the Delaware breakwater, two hundred and seventy thousand dollars.
Black river.For removing a sand bar at the mouth of Black river, Ohio, two thousand four hundred dollars.
Cunningham creek.For a pier head at Cunningham creek, Ohio, five hundred dollars.
Ashtabula creek.For completing the removal of obstructions at the mouth of Ashtabula creek, Ohio, three thousand four hundred dollars.
Presque Isle.For completing the improvement of the harbour of Presque Isle, Pennsylvania, six thousand dollars.
Buffalo harbour.For completing the pier at the mouth of Buffalo harbour, New York, thirty-one thousand seven hundred dollars.
Gennessee river.For improving the entrance of Gennesee river, New York, fifteen thousand dollars.
Big Sodus bay.For removing obstructions at the mouth of Big Sodus bay, New York, fifteen thousand dollars.
Oswego.For completing the pier and mole at Oswego, New York, eight thousand four hundred dollars.
Merrimack river.For the completion of the breakwater at the mouth of the Merrimack river, four thousand nine hundred dollars.
Plymouth beach.For repairing Plymouth beach, six hundred dollars.
Breakwater at Hyannis.For the breakwater at Hyannis, Massachusetts, five thousand dollars.
New Castle, Marcus Hook, and Port Penn.For improving the harbours of New Castle, Marcus Hook, Chester, and Port Penn, in the Delaware, four thousand dollars.
Ocracoke inlet.For carrying on the improvement of Ocracoke inlet, North Carolina, sixteen thousand seven hundred dollars.
Cape Fear river.For improving Cape Fear river, below Wilmington, North Carolina, twenty-eight thousand dollars.
Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi.For improving the navigation of the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi rivers, fifty thousand dollars.
Detroit road to Saganaw bay.For continuing the road from Detroit to Saganaw bay, fifteen thousand dollars.
St. Mark’s.For completing the improvement of St. Mark’s river and harbour in Florida, in addition to the unexpended balance of former appropriations, one thousand five hundred dollars.
Detroit road to Grand river.For the road from Detroit to Grand river of Lake Michigan, twenty-five thousand dollars.
Detroit road to Chicago.For continuing the road from Detroit towards Chicago, in the territory of Michigan, eight thousand dollars.- ↑ “No person in the army, navy, or marine corps shall be allowed to draw both a pension as an invalid and the pay of his rank or station in the service, unless the alleged disability for which the pension was granted be such as to have occassioned his employment in a lower grade, or in some civil branch of the service.” Act of April 30, 1844, ch. 15.