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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/696

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For improving the Capitol square, including the gardener’s salary, and lighting the lamps, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For completing the regulation of the ground and planting, south of the President’s house, four thousand six hundred and sixty dollars.

For alterations and repairs in the Capitol, one thousand dollars.

For alterations and repairs in the President’s house, five hundred dollars.

For constructing reservoirs and fountains at the public offices, and President’s house, and enclosing and planting the fountain square, six thousand seven hundred and twenty-three dollars.

For keeping in repair the fire engines belonging to the public buildings, two hundred dollars.

For furnishing the President’s house, to be expended under the direction of the President, in addition to the proceeds of such decayed furniture, as he may direct to be sold, twenty thousand dollars.

For an additional pavement for the statue of Washington, five thousand dollars.

For alterations in the Representatives Hall, to accommodate the twenty-third Congress, according to a plan recommended by a select committee of the House of Representatives, of thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, thirteen thousand dollars.

For completing the public vault, and railing thereon, one thousand six hundred dollars.

Approved, March 2, 1833.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

March 2, 1833.

Chap. LXXI.An Act for the construction of a road from the Mississippi river to William Strong’s, on the St. Francis river, in the territory of Arkansas.

Appropriation for construction of road in Arkansas.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of enabling the President of the United States to cause to be permanently constructed, a road in the territory of Arkansas, from a point opposite to Memphis, to the house of William Strong, on the St. Francis river, or towards such other point on the same as the engineer appointed to report thereupon may recommend, for the purpose of establishing a constant communication from the appoint above named, towards Little rock, in the said territory:Proviso.
Provided, That the said sum be expended under the direction of such military engineer as the President may appoint: And provided, also, That no part of the said sum of money shall be expended until a careful survey and estimate shall have been made of the cost of the road by a competent engineer, and that the said survey and estimate shall have been previously submitted to, and approved by, the Secretary of War, and the President of the United States.

Approved, March 2, 1833.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

March 2, 1833.

Chap. LXXII.An Act prolonging the second session of the fifth legislative council of the territory of Michigan.

Authority to prolong session thirty days.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the legislative council of the territory of Michigan, now in session, be, and is hereby authorized to continue its present session thirty days beyond the time now limited by law.

Appropriation to defray the expenses, &c.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, for the purpose of defraying the incidental expenses and for paying the members of said legislative