and the same is hereby, attached to the Vandalia land district in said state. The said transfer to be effected under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury.
Demopolis district.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all the lands situated south of the district line, and south of the dividing line between townships twenty and twenty-one, and north of the line dividing townships eleven and twelve, and west of the line dividing townships eleven and twelve, and west of the line dividing ranges nine and ten west, to the west boundary line of the state of Alabama, shall constitute a land district, to be known and called the Demopolis district.
Lands in Green and Marengo counties to be subject to sale at Demopolis land office.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the lands in the United States in the counties of Green and Marengo, now subject to sale in the Tuscaloosa, Cahawba, and Saint Stephen’s land districts, as comprehended in the above-described district: Provided, That the land district hereinafter created by the tenth section of this act, shall be bounded on the south by the line dividing townships twenty-six and twenty-seven, and on the east by the line dividing ranges six and seven, and the lands in said district now in market shall be subject to entry at the land offices at Crawfordsville and fort Wayne as heretofore, until the first day of July next, and no longer; shall, from and after the first day of June next, be subject to sale at the land office in the said Demopolis land district; and it shall be the duty of the registers at Tuscaloosa, Cahawba, and Saint Stephen’s, under instructions from the commissioner of the general land office, to transfer all such books, maps, records, field notes, and plats, or transcripts thereof, relating to the surveys of the public lands hereby added to the said Demopolis land district, to the register of the Demopolis land district.
Register and receiver for Demopolis district.Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That there shall be a register and receiver appointed for the said land district, which the same compensation, fees, and emoluments, and who shall perform all the duties usually performed by registers and receivers appointed to superintend the sale of the public lands of the United States.
New land district in Indiana.Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That all that district of country, in the state of Indiana, lying west of the line dividing ranges seven and eight east of the second principal meridian, and north of the line dividing townships twenty-four and twenty-five, shall form a separate land district;Office at Laporte. and the land office for the sale and disposal of all the public lands in said district, shall be, and hereby is, established at Laporte; and for said land office, a register and receiver shall be appointed in like manner, and be subject to like rules and regulations, and receive the same salary, fees, and compensation for their services, as is designated and provided for in other cases by the fifth section of this act; and it shall be [the] duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, as soon as it can be done, to cause the necessary tract books, plats, maps, and surveys of the public lands in said district to be filed in said office:President may remove office. Provided, That the President may, whenever, in his judgment, the public interest and the convenience of the people require it, remove said office to a more central and suitable place in said district.
Approved, March 2, 1833.
Statute ⅠⅠ.
Chap. LXXVIII.—An Act making provision for the publication of the Documentary History of the American Revolution.
Limitation of expense.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State be, and he hereby is authorized to contract with Matthew St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, for the publication of a work entitled “The Documentary History of the American Revolution,” to be printed in octavo or folio, as may be agreed upon: Provided, That the rate of expense shall