Civil and diplomatic expenses of government.For compensation to the clerk and draughtsman in the office of said surveyor, one thousand dollars each.
For additional clerk hire, in order to bring up the arrears, and for transcribing the field notes of said office, for the purpose of having them preserved at the seat of government, two thousand five hundred dollars.
For compensation to the surveyor in Florida, two thousand dollars.
For compensation to the clerks in the office of said surveyor, three thousand dollars.
For additional clerk hire, in order to bring up the arrears, and for transcribing the field notes of said office, for the purpose of having them preserved at the seat of government, one thousand five hundred dollars.
For enabling the respective surveyors general to furnish the several land offices, commencing under the credit system, with renewed township plats, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, in cases where those previously furnished have been defaced, or become materially injured by use, five thousand dollars.
For compensation to the secretary appointed by the President to sign all patents for lands sold or granted under the authority of the United States,Act of March 2, 1833, ch. 91. per act of second March, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, including arrears of salary not paid for eighteen hundred and thirty-three, the sum of two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.
For compensation to the commissioner of the public buildings in Washington city, two thousand dollars.
For purchase of books for the library of Congress, five thousand dollars.
For salary of the principal and assistant librarians, and for contingent of the library and pay of messenger, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.
For compensation to the officers and clerk of the mint, ten thousand six hundred dollars.
For compensation to assistants in the several departments of the mint, and wages of labourers employed in the various operations of the establishment, including one thousand dollars for the salary of an assistant assayer, and one thousand five hundred dollars for his services and expenses during a visit to Europe on behalf of the mint, in order to examine certain processes in the treatment of the precious metals, twenty thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars.
For incidental and contingent expenses and repairs, cost of machinery, for allowance for wastage in gold and silver coinage of the mint, twenty thousand and fifty dollars.
For compensation to the governor, judges and secretary of the Michigan territory, seven thousand eight hundred dollars.
For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative council, pay of the officers of the council, fuel, stationery, and printing, of the territory of Michigan, eleven thousand four hundred and forty-eight dollars.
For arrearages for compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative council of Michigan territory, pay of officers of the council, fuel, stationery, and printing, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-three, four thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars and thirty-five cents.
For compensation to the governor, judges, and secretary of the Arkansas territory, including additional compensation to judges, under theAct of April 220, 1832, ch. 72. act of twentieth April, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, at eight hundred dollars each, from the sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, to thirty-first December, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, thirteen thousand five hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents.