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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/753

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dred and thirty-two, and in effecting the capture of Black Hawk and the Prophet, six hundred and twelve dollars and seventy-four cents.

New York Indians.To pay the expenses of a delegation of New York Indians in exploring the country west of the Mississippi, four thousand five hundred dollars.

Choctaws.To pay for three thousand and fifty bushels of corn for the Choctaws, “who were suffering for want of food,” three thousand six hundred and ninety dollars.

Osages.To pay for one thousand bushels of corn, purchased for the relief of the Osages, one thousand dollars.

Creeks.To pay balances ascertained to be due by the second auditor for capitation money, provisions, &c., under the treaty of twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, with the Creeks, nine thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars and twelve cents.

Western Cherokees.To compensate the Western Cherokees for stock and other property lost during their emigration under the eighth article of the treaty of sixth May, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, fourteen thousand three hundred and sixty-four dollars and fifty cents.

To remunerate the Western Cherokees for spoliations on their property under the fifth article of the treaty of sixth May, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, one thousand and forty-three dollars.

Pawnees, &c.To defray expenses incurred in holding treaties with the Pawnees, Ottoes, and Missourias, and the general treaty of peace, and councils with the Osages, and Kickapoos, six thousand two hundred and sixteen dollars.

Fees paid by J. M. Street and S. W. Kearney.That the Secretary of War ascertain the amount paid by Joseph M. Street and Stephen W. Kearney, for attorney fees in defending a suit or suits against them for acts done in performance of their official duties by Jean Brunette, not to exceed four hundred and fifty dollars, to be paid out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.

Creeks and Cherokees.For expense of surveys and marking certain lines in the Creek and Cherokee country, by order of the commissioners under the treaties with said tribes of Indians, of the fourteenth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, sixty-two dollars and fifty cents.

Cherokees.For improvements abandoned on ceded lands under the treaty with the Cherokee Indians, of the eighth of July, eighteen hundred and seventeen, five hundred dollars.

Colonel Pierre Minard.For refunding to Colonel Pierre Minard, six hundred and eighty-one dollars, eighty-two cents, for that sum advanced by him to the commissioners for holding treaties with the Winnebagoes, Chippewas, Ottoways and Pattawatamies.

Eastern Cherokees.For expenses of thirteen delegates from the Eastern Cherokees, five thousand six hundred dollars

Western Cherokees.For expenses of five delegates from the Western Cherokees, two thousand six hundred dollars.

House at Prairie du Chien.For the purchase of a house and lot at Prairie du Chien, for the use of the agency at that place, two thousand five hundred dollars.

Approved, June 28, 1834.

Statute Ⅰ.

June 28, 1834.

Chap. CVI.An Act further to provide for the location of certain lands in the territory of Arkansas.

Proviso of act of January 13, 1830, ch. 3, repealed.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proviso to the act entitled “An act to extend the time for locating certain donations in Arkansas,” approved the thirteenth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty, be, and the same is hereby, repealed, and all locations of said claims made, or to be made, shall in no wise be affected by said proviso.

Approved, June 28, 1834.