Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/757

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Articles of agreement.New York, or fastened to a wharf adjoining thereto, or unless such person shall be under arrest, or such property shall be under seizure, by virtue of process or authority of the state of New York.

Article Seventh. Criminal process issued under the authority of the state of New York against any person accused of an offence committed within that state, or committed on board of any vessel being under the exclusive jurisdiction of that state as aforesaid, or committed against the regulations made or to be made by that state in relation to the fisheries mentioned in the fifth article; and also civil process issued under the authority of the state of New York against any person domiciled in that state, or against property taken out of that state, to evade the laws thereof, may be served upon any of the said waters within the exclusive jurisdiction of the state of New Jersey, unless such person or property shall be on board a vessel aground upon or fastened to the shore of the state of New Jersey, or fastened to a wharf adjoining thereto, or unless such person shall be under arrest, or such property shall be under seizure, by virtue of process or authority of the state of New Jersey.

Article Eighth. This agreement shall become binding on the two states when confirmed by the legislatures thereof, respectively, and when approved by the Congress of the United States.

Done in four parts (two of which are retained by the commissioners of New York, to be delivered to the governor of that state, and the other two of which are retained by the commissioners of New Jersey, to be delivered to the governor of that state,) at the city of New York, this sixteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three and of the independence of the United States the fifty-eighth.

B. F. Butler,

Peter Augustus Jay,

Henry Seymour,

Theo. Frelinghuysen,

James Parker,

Lucius Q. C. Elmer.

And whereas the said agreement has been confirmed by the legislatures of the said states of New York and New Jersey, respectively,—therefore,

Consent of Congress given to the agreement.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of the Congress of the United States is hereby given to the said agreement, and to each and every part and article thereof, Provided, That nothing therein contained shall be so construed as to impair or in any manner affect, any right of jurisdiction of the United States in and over the islands or waters which form the subject of the said agreement.

Approved, June 28, 1834.

Statute Ⅰ.

June 30, 1834.

Chap. CXXVIII.An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to annex a part of the state of New Jersey to the collection district of New York; to remove the office of collector of Niagara to Lewistown; to make Cape St. Vincent, in the district of Sackett’s Harbour, a port of delivery; and out of the districts of Miami and Mississippi, to make two new districts, to be called the districts of Sandusky and Teche, and for other purposes.”

Vol. ii. 657.
Annual pay of the collector of the district of Teche.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be paid, annually, to the collector of the port of Franklin, in the district of Teche, in lieu of all demands against the government of the United States for house rent, storage, and so forth, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars.

Approved, June 30, 1834.