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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/767

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Georgia.State of Georgia.—For two small beacon-lights on Cockspur island, at the mouth of Savannah river, four thousand dollars.

Ohio.State of Ohio.—For a beacon-light on a proper site for Huron river, two thousand six hundred dollars.

For a beacon-light on the pier at Conneant river, two thousand dollars. For a beacon-light on a proper site for Ashtabula creek, two thousand dollars.

For completing the beacon-light on the pier at Grand river, one thousand four hundred and fifty-six dollars. For a beacon-light on the pier at Cunningham harbour, two thousand dollars.

Louisiana.State of Louisiana.—For the erection of a lighthouse on a proper site at Port Ponchartrain, five thousand dollars.

For a lighthouse at a proper site at the mouth of Chifuncte river, five thousand dollars.

Mississippi.State of Mississippi.—For a lighthouse at the mouth of Pearl river, five thousand dollars.

Indiana.State of Indiana.—For a lighthouse on a proper site at or near Michigan city, five thousand dollars.

Michigan.Territory of Michigan.—For a lighthouse on a proper site at Pottawatamie island, situated at the entrance of Green Bay, in Lake Michigan, five thousand dollars. For securing and completing the foundation of the lighthouse on Turtle island, in Lake Erie, two thousand dollars.

Florida.Territory of Florida.—For a lighthouse on a proper site at Musquito inlet on the Atlantic coast, eleven thousand dollars.

For rebuilding the lighthouse at St. John’s river, ten thousand five hundred and fifty dollars.

Approved, June 30, 1834.

Statute Ⅰ.

June 30, 1834.

Chap. CXLV.An Act to carry into full effect the fourth article of the treaty of the eighth of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, with the Creek nation of Indians, so far as relates to the claims of citizens of Georgia against said Indians, prior to eighteen hundred and two.

Certain claims to be allowed and paid.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be adjusted and paid to full indemnity, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, all claims of citizens of the state of Georgia, under the fourth article of the treaty of the eighth of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, between the United States and the Creek nation of Indians, which have not been heretofore adjusted and paid, on the following principles: all claims which have not been heretofore adjusted and paid, founded upon the capture and detention, or destruction of property by said Indians,1802, ch. 13. prior to the passage of the act regulating intercourse with Indian tribes, if satisfactorily established, shall be allowed and paid.

Six per cent. interest allowed.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be an interest of six per cent. per annum allowed and paid on the amount of all claims which have been or may be adjusted and established under the provisions of the aforesaid treaty, to be calculated from the date of the origin of the claims, respectively, up to the date of the adjustment and establishment of said claims respectively:Proviso. Provided, however, That the amount which may be allowed under the provisions of this act as interest shall be calculated on the amount of the value of the property so taken or destroyed; the amount of the principal of each claim to be determined by the value of the property for which it was and is made, at the time said property was so taken or destroyed:Proviso. And provided, also, That the aggregate amount of the claims which have been, and hereafter may be, paid, shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.