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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/800

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Chicago harbour.For improving the harbour of Chicago, in addition to the balance of former appropriations, thirty-two thousand eight hundred dollars.

Black river.For securing the works at Black river, four thousand four hundred dollars.

Ashtabula creek.For continuing the improvement at Ashtabula creek, in addition to the balance of former appropriations, seven thousand five hundred and ninety-one dollars.

Presqu’ Isle.For securing the works at Presqu’ Isle in addition to the balance of former appropriations, five thousand dollars.

Genesee river.For completing the works at Genesee river, two thousand three hundred and ninety dollars.

Big Sodus bay.For continuing the improvement of Big Sodus bay, eleven thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars.

Provincetown harbour.For the preservation of the beach at Provincetown harbour, in addition to the balance of former appropriation, four thousand four hundred dollars.

Plymouth beach.For the preservation of Plymouth beach, seven hundred dollars.

Breakwater at Hyannis.For the breakwater at Hyannis harbour, in addition to the balance of former appropriation, nine thousand dollars.

Harbours in the Delaware.For improving the harbours of New Castle, Marcus Hook, Chester, and Port Penn, in the Delaware river, in addition to the balance of former appropriation, six thousand dollars.

Savannah river.For improving the navigation of the Savannah river, in removing the obstructions in said river from the city of Savannah to its mouth, in addition to the balance of former appropriations, twenty thousand dollars.

Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi.For improving the navigation of the Ohio river below the falls, and the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, fifty thousand dollars.

Ohio river between Pittsburg and the falls.For the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio river, between Pittsburg and the falls of the Ohio, fifty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the War Department, and under the care of a superintendent for that part of the Ohio.

Delaware breakwater.For the Delaware breakwater, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That only so much of this sum shall be applied as, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, may be advantageously expended in the present situation of the said work.

Mobile harbour.
Ante, p. 703.
For completing the removal of the obstructions to the navigation of the Red river, in addition to the appropriation of fifty thousand dollars, made at the last session of Congress, the sum of fifty thousand dollars.

Arkansas river, and an iron boat.For improving the navigation of the Arkansas river, and for constructing a boat with an iron hull, forty thousand dollars.

Cape Fear river.For completing the improvement in the navigation of the Cape Fear river, below the town of Wilmington, North Carolina, twenty thousand dollars.

Dredging machine, &c. for Florida.For constructing a dredging machine, and for completing the inland channel between St. Mary’s and St. John’s, in the territory of Florida, according to the estimate of the engineer department, fifteen thousand dollars.

Dunkirk harbour.For filling up with stone, three hundred and fifty-two yards of the outer pier or breakwater at Dunkirk harbour, New York, one thousand four hundred and eighteen dollars and twenty-seven cents.

Extension of pier at Dunkirk harbour.For extending and completing the pier or breakwater in front of said harbour, nine thousand five hundred and seventy dollars and sixteen cents.

Proviso.Provided, That no officer of the army shall receive any per cent. or