one-third of the foregoing amount of their respective annual pay, from the date of their acceptance of such orders.
All surgeons of the navy, ordered as fleet surgeons, shall have an increase of one half of their respective annual pay, from the date of their acceptance of such orders.
Chaplains.When attached to vessels for sea service, or at navy yards, one thousand two hundred dollars.
When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, eight hundred dollars.
Professor of mathematics.When attached to vessels for sea service, or in a yard, one thousand two hundred dollars.
Secretaries.To commanders of squadrons, when commanding in chief, one thousand dollars.
To commanders of squadrons, when not commanding in chief, nine hundred dollars.
Sailingmasters.Of a ship of the line, for sea service, one thousand one hundred dollars.
When on other duty, one thousand dollars.
When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Second masters.When attached to vessels for sea service, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
When on other duty, five hundred dollars.
When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, four hundred dollars.
Passed midshipmen.On duty, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Waiting orders, six hundred dollars.
Warranted masters’ mates.When attached to vessels for sea service, or at navy yards, four hundred and fifty dollars.
When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, three hundred dollars.
Midshipmen.When attached to vessels for sea service, four hundred dollars.
When on other duty, three hundred and fifty dollars.
When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, three hundred dollars.
Clerks.Of a yard, nine hundred dollars.
First clerk to a commandant of a navy yard, nine hundred dollars.
Second clerk to a commandant of a navy yard, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
To commanders of squadrons, captains of fleets, and commanders of vessels, five hundred dollars.
Boatswains, gunners, sailmakers, and carpenters.Of a ship of the line, for sea service, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
Of a frigate for sea service, six hundred dollars.
When on other duty, five hundred dollars.
When on leave of absence, or waiting orders, three hundred and sixty dollars.
Officers temporarily on duty of higher grade.Officers temporarily performing the duties belonging to those of a higher grade, shall receive the compensation allowed to such higher grade, while actually so employed.
On furlough.No officer shall be put on furlough but at his own request, and all