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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/839

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ACTS of the states of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, and of the Congress of the United States, incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company—the Proceedings of the General Special Meeting of the Potowmac Company, declaring their assent thereto, made necessary by said acts, to which are added, extracts from the Charter of the Potowmac Company. [See Act of May 23, 1828, ch. 85, cited page 292.]


Jan. 27, 1824.

An Act incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company.

Preamble.Whereas a navigable canal from the tide water of the river Potowmac, in the District of Columbia, to the mouth of Savage creek on the north branch of said river, and extending thence, across the Alleghany mountain, to some convenient point on the navigable waters of the river Ohio, or some one of its tributary streams, to be fed, through its course, on the east side of the mountain, by the river Potowmac and the streams which empty therein, and on the western side of the mountain, and in passing over the same, by all such streams of water as may be beneficially drawn thereto by feeders, dams, or any other practicable mode, will be a work of great profit and advantage to the people of this state, and of the neighbouring states, and may, ultimately, tend to establish a connected navigation between the eastern and western waters, so as to extend and multiply the means and facilities of internal commerce and personal intercourse between the two great sections of the United States, and to interweave more closely all the mutual interests and affections that are calculated to consolidate and perpetuate the vital principles of union; and whereas it is represented to this General Assembly, that the Potowmac Company are willing and desirous that a charter shall be granted to a new company, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter expressed; and that the charter of the present company shall cease and determine,

Commissioners to be appointed.1. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That so soon as the Legislatures of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and the Congress of the United States, shall assent to the provisions of this act, and the Potowmac company shall have signified their assent to the same, by their corporate act, a copy whereof shall be delivered to the executives of the several states aforesaid, and to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, there shall be appointed by the said executives and the President of the United States, three commissioners on the part of each state, and of the government of the United States, any one of whom shall be competent to act for his respective government.Subscriptions. The said commissioners shall cause boks to be opened at such times and places as they shall think fit, in their respective states, and the District of Columbia, under the management of such persons as they shall appoint, for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the company hereinafter incorporated; which subscriptions may be made either in person or by power of attorney; and notice shall be given in such manner as may be deemed advisable, by one or more of the said commissioners, of the time and places of opening the books.

Regulations as to subscriptions.2. And the said commissioners shall cause the books to be kept open at least forty days, and, within twenty days after the expiration thereof, shall call a general meeting of the subscribers at the city of Washington, of which meeting notice shall be given, by a majority of the commissioners aforesaid, in at least