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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/95

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and shall be added to, and form a part of, the western district, that is to say: the counties of Botetourt, Rockbridge, Alleghany, Bath, Pendleton, Augusta, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Frederick, Jefferson, Berkley, Morgan, Hampshire, and Hardy: and that, in addition to the terms of the district court now holden in the western district the judge of the said western district shall hold two terms in each year, at Staunton, in the county of Augusta.

Times and places fixed for the holding of the courts.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the terms of the court in the said western district shall be held on the days and at the places hereinafter mentioned, viz: at Staunton, on the second Mondays in April and September; at Wythe Courthouse, on the third Mondays in April and September; at Lewisburg, on the fourth Mondays in April and September; and at Clarksburg, on the fourth Mondays in May and October, in each year.

Courts to be adjourned should the judge not attend.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That if the judge shall not attend on the first day of any court, such court shall stand adjourned, from day to day, for three days, if the same cause continue; after which time, if the judge shall still fail to attend, the court shall stand adjourned until the first day of the next term.

Power of the said judge.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the judge of said court shall have power to hold special sessions, at his discretion, at either of the said places, for the trial of civil or criminal cases.

Approved, May 26, 1824.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 26, 1824.

Chap. CLXVIII.An Act for altering the time for holding the circuit court of the United States for the fourth circuit in the Maryland district.[1]

Terms of the circuit court in the district of Maryland altered.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the terms of the circuit court of the United States for the fourth circuit in the district of Maryland, which are now directed by law to be holden on the first day of May and seventh day of November, in each year, shall be hereafter holden on the 8th days of May and December in each year, except where such days shall occur on Sunday, when the terms of the said court shall commence and be holden on the next succeeding day.

First session to be held on December the 8th, 1824.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the first session of the said circuit court, after the passage of this act, shall be held on the eight [eighth] day of December, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-four.

All process which may have issued, to be held returnable to the terms appointed by this act.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all process which may have issued, or which may hereafter issue returnable to the next succeeding terms, as heretofore established, shall be held returnable, and be returned, to those terms to which they are severally changed by this act.

Approved, May 26, 1824.

  1. Acts of Congress relating to circuit courts in Maryland:
    An act to establish the judicial courts of the United States, September 24, 1789, ch. 20, sec. 3.
    An act concerning the circuit courts of the United States, March 3, 1797, ch. 27.
    An act to amend the judicial system of the United States, April 29, 1802, ch. 31, sec. 4.
    An act for altering the time of holding the circuit court of the United States for the fourth circuit in the Maryland district, May 26, 1824, ch. 168.
    An act to alter the time of holding the circuit court of the United States, for the district of Maryland, February 11, 1830, ch. 11.
    An act supplementary to the act, entitled “An act to amend the judicial system of the United States,” March 3, 1837, ch. 34, sec. 2.
    An act to change the time of holding the United States circuit court in the district of East Tennessee, and the district of Maryland, July 7, 1838, ch. 193.