SIXTY-l:`Il<`TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 29. 1917. 195 Detpartment in field campaigps as may be re uired to be mounted, an the explenses incident thereto, and for the hire of employees: Provided, That the number of horses plurchased under this appro- f,g*;*g_yg{ms priation, added to the number now on and, shall wbe limited to the ` actual needs of the mounted service, including reasonable provisions for remounts, and, unless otherwise ordered b the Secretary of War, no part of this appropriation shall be paid out gir horses not purchased by contract after competition duly invited by the fgpartermaster Corps and an inspection imder the direction and authority of the Secretary of War. When practicable, horses shall be purc ased in chgsgg? m”k°* Pl"` open market at all military posts or stations when needed, at a _ maximum price to be Hxed by the Secretary of War: Provided further, S“"“*“'d '°‘1““°d- That no part of this appropriation shall be exptended for the purchase of any horse below the standard set by Army egulations for Cavalry and Artillery horses, except when gurchased as remounts or for _ instruction of cadets at the United tates Military Academy: And P°'°P°'“°’· provided further, That no part of this apgidrplpriation shall be expended or polo ponies except for West Point tary Academy, and such pomes shall not be used at any other place, $25,000,000. B d Banmioxs AND qomvrnns: or barracks, qtparters, stables, [store- tm,”"°k° °° qu"` houses, magazines, administration and office uildings, sheds, shoipg, and other buildings necessary for the shelter of troops, [public anim , and stores, and for administration purposes, except t ose pertaining to the Coast Artillery; for constructing and repairingfpublic buildings at military posts; for hire of employees, for rental 0 the authorized allowance 0 quarters for officers, including members of the Officers’ _ Reserve Corps when ordered to active duty on duty with the troops at posts and stations where no public quarters are available ; for barracks or authorized allowance of quarters for noncommissioned officers and enlisted men on duty where public quarters are not available, including enlisted men of the Regular Army Reserve, retired enlisted men, and members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps when ordered to active duty; for grounds for cantonments, cam sites, and other military purposes, and for buildings or plprtions of for occupation by troops, for use as stables, store ouses, and offices, and for other military purposes; for the hire of recruiting stations and lodgings for recruits; for such furniture for the pub c rooms of ofIicers’ messes and for officers’ uarteis at military posts as may be approved by the Secretary of (War; for wall lockers in permanent barracks, and refrigerators in barracks and uarters; for screen doors window screens, storm doors and sash, anld window shades for barracks, offices, and quarters, and for flooring and framinalfor tents, and for tho National Guard when called or drafted into e service of the United rmam. States, $47,603,314.20: Prmnkled, That no part of the moneys so ,,,,‘§{{“’“‘“‘“°‘°“'°"“°‘ appropriated shall be paid for commutation o fuel or quarters to offi- Gvmu mph ' cers or enlisted men: And provided further, That the number of and y°°S' total sum aid for civilian employees in the Qgiartermaster Corp? shall be limitedp to the actual requirements of the service, and t at no employee therein shall receive a salary of more than $150 per month, except upon the approval of the Secretary of War. MH.ITARY rosr rzxcnaivonsz For continuing the construction, equip- Pm °*°l‘““€°*’· ment, and maintenance of suitable buildings at military posts and stations for the conduct of the post exchange, school, library, readi , _ lunch, amusement rooms, and g mnasium, including repairs to builnd- °,§·°°”°“°“b““‘l“g’· mgs erected at private cost, in tile operation of the ct a proved May V¤1·32, v- 282- thirty-iirst, nineteen hundred and two, for the rental of tillins, purchase of slides, sulpplies for and making repairs to moving-picture outfits, and for simi ar and other recreational plurposes at training and mobilization camps now established, or whic may be hereafter established, to be expended in the discretion and under the direction of the Secre-