200 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESb. Sess. I. Ch. 29. 1917. necessa e eriments in connection therewith, and the machiner
- ’M;;¤ W M, necessai'; fd? its manufacture at the arsenals, $12,255,000; Prwodedj
as That the Chief of Ordnance, United States Army, is authorized to enter into contracts, or otherwise incur obligations,_for the purposes above mentioned not to exceed $6,000,000, m addxtion to the appro- _ priations herein and heretofore made. _ _ _ ,,,,",,f;‘}‘,,‘},,’?f"°“·°‘°‘* For purchase, manufacture, and test of ammumtion, subcahber guns, and other accessories for seacoast artillery practice, mcludmg _ the machinery necessary for the manufacture at the arsenals, 2,000 000·`
°‘°·· "‘°"“° S For alterationand maintenance of the mobile art1l1ery, mcluding the
purchase and manufacture of machinery, tools, and material necessary for the work and the expenses of the mechanics engaged thereon, 25,000 000. ‘_ _ _ ,,,*,;’j,$,‘,“,;*,§‘°{‘;,,§,‘;; 8 For pm-chase, manufacture, and test_ of ammumtion, subcahber r¤¤¤=¤¤•· guns, and other accessories for mountain, Eeld, and siege artillery , practice, including the machmery necessary for then- manufacture at the arsenals, $9,000,000. _ _ _ _ ,,,,§,,"{."{,§;,;‘°·· ”°"' For alteration and mamtenance seacoast a.rt1llery, including the urchase and manufacture of machinery, tools, materials necessary . ijor the work, and expenses of civilian mechanics and extra-duty pay of enlisted men engaged thereon, $3,000,000. P“""’“'°“""* raovmo osounns. °}"'°“°°‘*"""“·°°°‘ For current expenses of the ordnance proving grounds, comprising the maintenance of rail and Water transportation, repairs, alterations, accessories, and service of employees incidental to testing and proving ordnance material, hire of assistants for the Ordnance Board, purchase of instruments and articles required for testing and experimental work, building and repairing butts and targets, clearing and , I, __§8d1DgP&DgB,.$600,000. massa. For necessary expenses of officers not occupying public quarters at the proving ounds, while employed on ordnance duty thereat, at the rate of $ diem while so employed and the compensation of draftsmen e employed in the Army Ordnance Bureau on ordnance construction work, $100,000.
°]° M "°°° sumnmnn xmas. °l°°' For purchase of submarine mines and nets and necessary appliances
to operate them for closing the channels leading to our principal seanmnm o, W ports, and for continuing torpedo experiments, $2,926,330. wlztm. N Y For mamtenance of submarine mine materiel within the limits of ,,,.,,,4,, 4,,,,,,; ‘ ·· contmental United States; purchase of necessary machinery, tools, r·»¢.p.¤¤q¤. and implements for the repair shop of the torpedo de ot at Fort Totten, New York; extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarilp employed for periods of not less than ten_ ays in connection with the issue, receipt, and care of submarine mining matériel at the torpedo depot; and or torpedo-depot administration, $500,000. I I M"' Fonuucauoxs m Iustman Possnssrous. .2§`?°°°°° °°""°' . ommauon nmrmmmr. °°°°°'° °°°°°° For manufacture, and test of seacoast cannon for coast defenses, including their carriages, sights, implements, equipments,
- .\i\¢%);(%l?)0l
- )18¤hm6Iy necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals,
- '°"'m°"‘ For purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition for seacoast
cannon, including the necessary experiments in connection therewith,