204 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 29. 1917. P*°°‘*·>¤· $11,000 000: Provided, That no art of this sum shall be nsed for the miiglainm sm M- urchash of the Jamestown site di any part thereof: Prwzdedfurtlier, f[§§‘,;,,‘{;§,°fg,,_ sm. That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation under the direction im I of the Secretary of the Navy for drafting, clerical, inspection, and messenger service for aircraft stations sh not exceed $150,000. mg¤r¤¤¤ ¤f N¤vis¤· eennmau or NAVIGATION. ’1`¤¤#¤¤r¢¤¤¤¤· Transportation: For travel allowance of enlisted men discharged on account of expiration of enlistment; transportation of enlisted men and a prentice seamen and applicants for enlistment at home and abroad: with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof; transportation to their homes, if residents of the United States, of enlisted men and ap rentice seamen discharged on medical survey with subsistence andp transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereoiz; transportation of sick or insane enlisted men and apprentice Nm, in [mm seamen to hos itals, with subsistence andtransfers en route, or cash mam. in lieu thereog transportation and shipping of civilian officers and crews of naval auxiliaries; transportation of enrolled men of the Naval Reserve Force to and from duty, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof; apprehension and delivery of deserters and stragglers, and for railway guides and other expenses mcident to transportation $1,659,324. B°°"'"“"‘ Recruiting: {Expenses of recruiting for the naval service; rent of rendezvous and expenses of maintaining the same; purchase, rental maintenance, operation excha§::, and of motor-propelled passenger—carrying vehicles foro `aluse; vertisingfor ando taining men and apprentice seamen; actual and necessary expenses in lieu of mileage to omcers on duty with traveling recruiting parties, $1,000,000. g Co : Ferriage, continuous-service certificates, discharges, good act badges, and medals for men and be ; purchase of gymnastie apparatus; transportation of effects of egizeased officers and enlisted men of the Navy and of officers and enrolled men of the Naval Reserve Force who die while on duty; books for training apprentice seamen and landsmen; maintenance of gnmnery and other training classes; packing boxes and materials; books and models; stationery; and other contingent expenses and emergencies arising ringer cogmzance of the Bureau of Navigation, unforeseen and impos- ,,£,§'§,‘§‘§",,.,,,,‘§‘,.§ °¤¤·s1G;’1N(l*I;I:.;g&vNI?1(lllll’):}?0INEEBING nxnacxsnsz Prizes, trophies, and badges for excellence m_gunnery, target practice, engineerin exercises, and for economy in coal consumption, to be awardedg under such rules as the Secretary of the Navy may formulate; for the urposes of prmtmg, recording, classifyilnglaxileompihn , and publisliing the rules and results; for the estab' ent and maintenance o shooting galleries, target houses,_targets, and ranges; for hir-in established ranges, and for transporting the civilian assistants auf equipan nm W ment to agid irom ranges, $20,000. Dum f an d uamaaum. _ oi mnsr nxnrsrumvrz ts or enlisted' men an apprentice seamen of the Navy on first enlistment, at not to exceed $60 each; for the clothing gratmty of officers and men of the Naval Reserve Force, $150 each or officers and $60 each for men; in all, mm $7,778,000. www or mp";]. u MQINTENANCE OF NAVAL_n Z The SUI!] appropriated for Maintenance of naval aux1hanes" in the naval Act approved March vol 39 Pp. lm fourth, nmeteen hundred and seventeen,_shall be transferred to other 1181; my appropriations as follows: "Transportation, Bureau of Na ‘ tion,"
"Pay of the Navy," $846,890, and "Provisions, Navy/' .