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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/233

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2].4 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 29. 1917. men when traveling on duty, or cash in lieu thereof; commutation of rations to enlisted men regularly detailed as clerks and messengers; a ents of board and lodging of apphcants for enhstment while heldmunder observation, recrmts, recru1tmg_part1es,_and enlisted men where it is impracticable to otherwise furnish subsistence, or in heu of board, commutation of rations to recruiting parties; transportation of provisions, and the employment of necessariélabor connected therewith; ice machines and their maintenance w re reqlmjed for the health and comfort of the troops and for cold storarggg ice for §Q;';,‘°,;,mm MM offices and preservation of rations, $3,445,671: Promded, t when Manny- it isjmpracticable or the expense is found greater to supply marines servmgpn shore duty m the island possessions and on forriégn stations with t Army ration, such marines may be allowed the avy ration or commutation therefor. _ ·?‘°“’*“¤· Cwmme, Manmn Coarsz For noncommissioned officers, musicians, ancgdprivates, authorized by law, $3,848,450. _ "'°‘· Fum., num Cours: For heat, light, and commutation thereof for the authorized allowance of quarters for officers and enlisted men, and other and grounds pertaining to the Marine Corps; fum}, ggztncitg, and$4o1l or cooking, power, and other purposes; _ an s to officers, 02 400. }§§f""‘“"* Mrinirnuzr sronencsz Pay of chiefharmorer, at $4 per em· one m amc at per em; two mec anics at $2.50 each per diem; one chief electrician, at $4 per diem, and one assistant 3 M electrician, at $3.50 per per diem of enlisted men employed ‘ { I ’ on constant labor for periods of not less than ten days; purchase of military equipments, such as rifles, revolvers, cartriltge boxes, bayonet scabbards, haversacks, blanket bags, canteens, e slings, swords, drums, trumpets, iiags, waistbclts, waist plates, cartridge belts, sparelparts for relpamng miles, machetes; purchase and repair of tents, fic d cots, iiel ovens, and stoves for tents; purchase and repair ofinstruments for bands; purchase of music and musical accessories; purchase and marking of prizes for excellence in gunnery and miie practice; good—conduct adges; medals awarded to officers and enlisted men by the Government for conspicuous, gallant, and special service; incidental eirpenses of schools of application; construction, eqmpment, and inamtenance of school, library, and amusement rooms and gymnasiums for enlisted men and the urchase and repair of all articles of Held sports for enlisted men; purc asc and repair of signal equipment and stores; establishment and maintenance of targets and ranges, renting ranges, construction of buildings for Mmmm temporary shelter and preservation of stores, and entrance fees in competitions; procuring, preserving, and handling ammunition and other necessary military supplies : in all, $7,373,408.

= ·¤¤ TBAQSPORTATION umn nmcnurrme, Maamn Cours: For transportation of troops, andpf applicants for enlistment between recruiting stations an recruit depots or posts, including ferriage and

transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof; toilet kits for issue to Pmm recruits upon their first enlistment and the expense of the recruiting n».ras¤,.,..e...S¤rv1ce, $1,731,¢§00: Provided, That authority is hereby ,,,,,1,.,,; to employ the services of advertising agencies in advertising ir recruits ggver sucélgtterms and conditions as are most advantageous to the Repair of barracks, R _ as mums or namzacxs, Mmmm Cours: Re d ‘ ts to barracks, quarters, and other public buildinpmhlz gldstslliihldogggglxis ; for the renting, leasing impmvement, andgs erection of builds?

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l1‘;1b;a, and agi such other places as the pub G

_ _ S O? l' thenlm` uhlggr the direction of the qu§erma;Ii.1er’d>dc artigienltlgxxi of barracks, quarters, and other public building on constant labor for periods of not less than ten days, $1,104,000.