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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/235

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216 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 29. 1917 Corps, shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with exists ing w as maintenance, Quartermaster’s Department, Manne Corps, and for that purpose shall eonst1tute one fund. 1¤¤••¤¤¤¢¢¤•N¤w- mcnnasn or mn Navy. ¤¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- The limit of cost of the f rty-six s bmarines now under contra t ’ Cm umn i°°°°°°°‘ increased by the sum of $13,000 eacli. C IS ¤¤¤·r¤¤·1>•p•r¤¤·¤¢. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. E"'*"°Y”° ‘°',m”°,,,"g Interior De ment Buil (new): For emplo ees from Ma first mi- t B ’ to June thntiexishft nineteen d and seventeen, iliclusive, at ailnual pates of c¢;r;§)nsation, as follows: Assistant superippepdent, $2,000; oreman o rers, $1,000; two assistant oremen o a orers, at $900 each; laborers-twent en at $660 each, seventeen t $600 h, · fourteen at $540 each, dn?;480; iii: female laborers at $:00 each f live assistant engineers at $1,000 eac ; seven firemen, t $720 h• - MQ machinist, si,s0o; two wiremen, at $1,003 each;6tlv(-io, gig; l2l'lQl8.DS, helpers, at $720 each; painter, $1,000; plumber, $1,400; two assistant plumbers, at $1,000 each; two plumbers’ helpers, at $840 each; thirteen elevator conductors, at $720 each; eighteen watchmen, at $720 each; in all, $13,940. ,,,,},,g’°’f""‘°"* °‘ °°“‘ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. smmcrsumuua. nunmu or STANDARDS.

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pus To enable the Bureau of Standards to coo te with th W d ¤?·°"¥Z'“'° ‘“E.'.?Z'¤' N·¤W— mts by providing the scientitilglmistance ndlcessu min Nnvyim the d _ pment of mstruments, devices, and materials, and the '3.‘.?.?°““t§?}`°qu“ .m““" “""°?f i’£§.¥.P”"‘}s©3‘°'“»§*“‘g "°“i§£.‘$1 °°"i°“’° ren m e cto um ia ande here; the erect1enoftemporarystrnctures;b ks f f d dials; mmm, hMw__y• and all other neeemaryitems not ingliided theelldg mpgaing equip- _ To complete the equipment of the new chemical 15;);-atc build- "‘°“ ° "°"· mg, mcluagng the constmction, purchase, and installation of hhemical

hoods, c¤s§, special fmpitmbelgpnd ot%hg)lneeessary equipment,

,.,1,,., . , xson sem ' ‘ &=lr:::yqs6aL¤.,m» To provride by coopextziblii oigthe lglgeldu of War

  • · Dgpartment, the Navy Department, and the Council of National

D emsgécfdghe sgandarélsgnon and testing of the standard gauges, screw , an t d ' the umd sms, Z¤“§i’a. cru’§’.‘?§’t1Y°tu$`t'"““"*“°°“"“g "”°“g*‘°“° _ _ est such standard gauges screw threads, and standards, including necessary equipment, rental mmWaslnngton, and elsewhere, erectnon of temporary structures, 9 is: expenses, books of reference and periodicals, rsonal services in e District of Columbia, and in the eld, and alllgther necessary items not mcluded m the foregoing, $150,000. ,,,,°'_*’“‘“""‘ °‘ ‘·'· DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. ’I¤¤¤ig¤t&nBm¤x. nrmnau or unmmarron. I”“f""°" ""° °'*‘ Detention of interned ali : T bl Sem ggiiiasm or ann- detain, care for, and guard signs iii gi? Riggs., M 4•»·;.m•, !{1€11l78 of sections four thousand and sixtyseven, four thousgd and ` ;;t'i.i”'3;‘€*;I‘.; t‘£é%"é§3.2,”?:2t%“£ ‘§‘§3";‘.iZ‘i°i2‘*”? ’§°‘”°‘* S""°’ crdaofs ·]· . » h note xecutxve axtlh ¤¤¤¢t¤¤¤ undred and seventeen, and the regu-