SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS; Sess. I. CHS. 39, 40. 1917. 243 CHAP. 39.-—Joint Resolution To relieve the owners of mining claims who have been Jul)? 17. i917· mustered into the military or naval service of the United States as officers or en- listed men from performing assessment work during the term of such service. [Pub. Res., No. 10.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Rrizgesentatives of the United _ » States of America in Congress assembled, at the govisions of sec- §‘§,§§‘°,'§§2§·,m,,,, tion twenty-three hundred and twenty-four of the evised Statutes gglrgaggg isgiuigggrigg of the United States, which require that on each mining claim located during present war. after the tenth day of May, erilzteen hundred and seventy-two, and §;,_,,y,§f,$·,§’3%‘;,§’,g_*2°‘ until patent has been issued refor, not less than-$100 worth of labor shall be performed or improvements made during each year, shall not apply to claims or parts of claims owned by officers or enlisted men who have been or may, during the present war with Germany, be mustered into the military or naval service of the United States to serve during their enlistment in the war with Germany, so that no mi claim or any part thereof owned by such person which has been ly located and recorded shall be subject to forfeiture for nonperformance of the annual assessments during the period of his service or until six months after such owner is mustered out of the service or until six months after his `death in the service: Pr0— 0, ,,,,,,,9,, mkled, That the claimant of ani mining location, in order to obtain ¤*¤·»*¤¤¤¤1¤d· the benefits of this resolution, s all file, or cause to be filed, a notice in the oiliee where the location notice or certihcate is recorded, before the expiration of the assessment year during which he is so mustered, giving notice of his muster into the service of the United States and of his desire to hold said mining claim under this resolution. Approved, July 17, 1917. S_CKAg). A1A1ct Tg taéuthorize the President to temporarily the · iii? 1% tigislj B R11 , IDBII , IDRID , , mpc, ariiil to make abpropriatlions therefor,. and for other an Operate [Public' N°°29°] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United States of America in assembled, 'lliat for and during the S@€%,,,,,, ,,,,1 Av, existing emergency, the `dent be, and is hereby, authorized to ggg¤ S*=<=Pi<>¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤<1 increase the present authorized commissioned and enlisted strength p°°my' pi thef S1gna Corps of the Army, including the Aviation Section ereo . Sec. 2. That to rovide the additional commissioned rsonnel “‘"“°"“',,,,,,,,,,°°”““"‘, required by this Actllhe President is authorized to romoteyslp oint, 3¤°<?g¤¤· I W detail, or attach as temporary officers in the Signal) Corps, incliidin the Aviation Section thereof, officers of the Re lar Army, N ational · Army, or National Guard, or the Oificers’ §gserve Corps, or to appoint temlporatrgly enlisted men of the Regular Army, enlisted 1, men of the nlis Reserve Corps, or persons from civil life: Pro- Q ¢1¤¤s. vided That no person shall be so promoted, appointed, detailed, or attached until e shall have been found physically mentally, and morally qualified under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of A . War: Provekled further, That officers with ra.nk not above colonel Presliggzlgtalleoiilell by shall be appointed and commissioned by the President alone, irrespective o the rank or grade held by them on the date of the ass e Br Pr¤=¤¤¤¤¢ and o this Act, and that officers above the grade of colonel sballage S°°°°°` iépepomted by the President, by and with the advice and consent of Senate, irrespective of the rank or grade held by them on the date of the assage of this Act. Awuumn enlisted SEC: 3. 'Ilmt to provide the additional enlisted men required iiigitly Mmmm G by this Act, the President is authorized to raise and maintain, by voluntary enlistment or by draft, such number of enlisted men as he may deem necessary and to embody them into organizations msu. hereinafter provided for in section four: Promkied, That the draft