246 SIXTY-FIFTH corronnss. sm. 1. on. 40. 1917. able for maintenance and operation of aviation stations, including electric light and power, telephones, water suppl? and sewerage serv- ,,, f’§L,_“‘°' ice; (h) purchase and manufacture and mst tron of all kinds of machinery, tools, material, supplies, equ1pment_for construction, maintenance, and repair of aircraft, buildings, improvementsat aviation stations, or property or apphances used m connection with aviation. ¤P•°*¤* ¤*°“¤*¤¢·°*°· And also for the purchase or_ manufacture and issue_ of special clothing, wearing apparel, and similar equipment for aviation puroses. '1`¤*•¤ ¤¤v¤¤¤¤ ·* P And also for the actual and necessary expenses of officers, enlisted h°m°°°d°bt°°d' men, and civilian employees of the Army and_author1zed agents sent on special duty at home and abroad for aviation purposes, including observation and investigation of foreign military operations an organization, manufactiue of aircraft, and engines, also special courses in foreign aviation schools and manufacturing est abhshments, to be paid upon certificates of the Secretary of War certifying that the ex nditures were necemary for military purposes. V¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤‘•*¤*¤¤· Andilsso for vocational training, including employment of necessary civilian instructors in important trades related to aviation, purchase of tools, equipment, materials, and machines required or such training, purc use of textbooks, books of reference, sc1ent1Hc and professional papers, periodicals and magazines, and mstruments and maternal for theoretical and practical mstruction at aviation schools v°'· °°·"‘ ‘°"· and stations, and all other means to carry out the provisions of section twenty-seven of the Act approved June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, authorizing, m a tron to the mrl1tary_ training of soldiers _ while m active service, means for securing educational an vocational training of a character to increase their military efficiency and enable them to return to civil life better equipped for mdustrial, commercial, and general busmess occupations. ` §;",,‘$",;,,"",,"{"·,,,,,, And also to pay and otherwise provide for such officers of the y£ ·¤·· 0Hieers’ Reserve Corps of the Aviation Section of the S` al Corps and such enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps olgtfhe Aviation Section of the Signal Corps as may be called into active service and 4¤#¢·v·77- such enlisted men as may be enlisted in the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps under the provisions of section two of the Act to increase temporarily the military establishment of the United States, approved May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, or an subsequent Act temporarily increasing the commissioned or enlisted? personnel of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps and such civilian em loyees mm as may be necessary, for the payment of their traveling ang other r¤y¤¤6¤¤¤•.. necessary expenses when not travelin with troops: Pramk1ed,That hereafter all reserve officers and enlisted men of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps shall be paid by guartermaster Co s disbursing oflicers _ rtom funds transferred to therr credit from rgignal Corps appropria ions. g,,,’?,§f’§{‘,2,*3'?‘,,,‘§,,“$f,$_°°‘ also for the payment of all expenses in connection with the develtqpment of surta le types of aviation engines, airplanes, and other aircr t appurtenances, inc uding the cost of sample en `nes, airplanes, and aqpurtenances, cost of any patents and other riggts therem, and Maimmumd mu- costso investigation, experimentation, and research inrespect therew- ,,m,,,.,,,gp,,m,_,_,,,c_ And also for the payment of all expenses in connection with the creation, expansion, acquisition, and development of plants, factories, and establishments for the manufacture of airplanes, aircraft, engines, and appurtenances, including provision for the urchase or lease of land with the buildings thereon, construction ofp permanent or temporary buildings for all purposes, purchase of machinery, tools, and employment of operatives, toget er with all administrative expenses necessary. the purchase an supply of raw and semifinished