248 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 42, 44. 1917. C¤Pd¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ P"' The Attorney General or the claimants to the said North Island °°°dmgs` are authorized to make application for the determination and appraisement of any rights private parties mag hawgeép ehe paiphisgsind over and beyond anyngihte thereto m the nite a es 0 e_ istrict Court of tue Umte States for the Southern District of California; the proceedin to be rosecuted in accordance with the laws of the State of C8.lg.I?0l’D.l& rdating to the condemnation of property Appeal. for public use. _ Either party may take an appeal from the judgment P t of dow of such court direct to t _ e Supreme Court of e United States within ,,,,,§,,,"",E§,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ninety days after such judgment is rendered, Upon tgp ascer- » » . . ?§‘?.."§°“Zr‘$}.$°a’t*‘L“£¤?§ “£%¤fLg{3£id°§Z}iit%’ 2£§€§°§£§u il`, §Z.d°‘{.."£§ court tlib value of the same as so determined, together wit interest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum from date possession , thereof was taken as herein authorized; and thereupon the United ...'?"*""““°°‘°°‘"* stmt sian be vwted with use to said imag. The mount so paid shall distributed by order of the court to the owner or owners of A _ such right, title, or interest m said island as their respective interests m”°°"°°°‘ may be determined by the court. The amount necessary to dpay the awards in favor of nvate claimants is hereby appropriate , out of any) money in the Tieasury not otherwise specifically appropriated. to e disbursed under orders of the Secretary of War. Approved, July 27, 1917. Iuggigiilil 44.-—An Act For the relief of homestead entrymen or settlers who enter
the military or naval service of the United States m tune of war.
_ Be·ite·nac¢edby the»S'enateandHoi¢se0 Re eeentat·&·ues<y"t7w United §2".,,‘,2,“§’,,;,,,,,,, State; i¢£nAmcnZcc in (Jongrese csscmbleei Tlizlt any settler upon the ggggufggjmfmutigé public ds of the United States; or any entryman whose applicamma. tion has allowed; or any person who has made epplication for public lands which thereafter may be allowed under e homestead ws, who, after euch settlement, entry or application, enlists or IS actually enigagcigim th& military or naval service of tlie United States as a riva so er officer seaman marine nations. guar man, or memher of any othei· organization fol- offense’or defense authorized gy $§’5i’?.’;"3.`é%?.;°L2¥.°‘It(‘Z’. `§¥‘$i?6‘i‘3J.J62t?£}hSi§2Z°§”£°“’ lf.?S°“g“gas v_ _ SVG SBTV1 therem construed to be equivalent to all intents and purposes to residence and cultivation for the same length of time upon the tract entered or settled upon; and hereafter no eontest sha be mitnated on the ground of abandonment, nor allegation of abandonment sustained against any such settler, entryman, or erson unless it shall m cases ereina r mi a the £$0$£I3g§€ JEL ii‘§..§§`.°”""“”"' i.m”*“h2’ “$*£‘t2H“t§ft°°f°°Si mi E H absence from the lamfwas not due to his employment inasuch6nilil§§J‘y ,,qu,';a,§,§{'{§}’,§,,d*_;‘¤';'; or naval service · that if he shall be discharged on account of woundS gt) rw dis- received or disability incurred in the line of duty, then the term of PWM his enlistment shall be deducted from the required length of residence, _ ,,,,;,,,,1,,,,, ,,,,0,, without reference to the time of actual service; Provided, That no ¤s=»¤e¤r¤¤w¤¤- patent shall issue to any homestead settler who has not resided up0H, gziprroved, and cultivated his homestead for a period of at least one d§§Q'§,j"S§,°,*§,?§,f$;§°g; Sec. 2. That any settler uppn the public lands of the United States; °°“'° °°‘°"‘· ;gg¤g£m? WEIOSQ app cation has been allowed; or any person pp cation for public lands which thereafter may be ellowed under the homestead laws, who dies while actually engaged in the mihtary or naval service of the United States as a private soldier, officer. seaman, marme, national guardsman, or member of any other organization for offense or defense authorized by Congress