250 SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 47-49. 1917. L¤<=¤¤¤¤· proachos across Little River, at or near the foot of the gar hole about one-half mile south of the Jonesboro, Lake City and Eastern Railway bridge across Little River, Arkansas, at a pomt suitable to the inter- Qs>¤fg;¤°“·gg· ests of navigation, in accordance with the provisions of the Act °' ’p` entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable wate1s," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and Amendment. Si_x_ * · · Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, August 3, 1917. O ilglllitflé-xiiilf CHAP. 48.-An Act For the protection ot desert—land entrymen who enter the
military or naval service of the United States in time of war.
P bu mm Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ngsaiimeéntna. States of America in Otmgreiss assembled, That no desert-land entry m‘,‘}f,,}§,;_P- 377* "°‘· made or held under the provisions of the Act of March third, eighteen '1`i¤¤¤ ,¤¤¢¤¤<i¤<1 IM hundred and seventy-seven, as amended by the Act of l\Iarch third, Seiiliiihlgdiriliilgénlvilvxi eighteen hundred and ninety-one, b an officer or enhsted man in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or (lrganized Militia of the United States shall be subject to contest or cancellation for failure to make or expend the sum of $1 per acre per year in im rovements upon such claim, or to effect the reclamation thereof, dpuring the lpleriod said entryman or his successor in interest is engaged in the m' °tary service of the United States during the present war with Germany, and until six months thereafter, and the time within which such entry- man or claimant is r uired to make such ex enditures and effect e reclamation of the larid shall be, exclusive of the time of his actual hmm service in the Army, N avg, Marine Corps, or Organized Militia of the rupeaeum. United States: Prmnded, hat said desert-land entry shall have been Nom of mam to made gy the said officer or enlisted man prior to his enlistment: isms:. Ifrmrul further, That each such entigman or claimant shall, within sixmonths after the passage of this ct, or within six months after he is mustered into the service, ile in the local land office of the distrrct wherein his claim is situate a notice of his muster into the service Sm_imp_dmd_ of the United States and of his desire to hold said desert claim under this Act; Provided further, That the term "enlisted man," as used in Am p. 76. this section shall include any person selected to serve in the military ' forces of the United_States as provided by the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the President to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of the United States/’ approved May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen. Approved, August 7, 1917.
CHAP. 49.—;\¤ Act Making appropriations for the construction repair and p16S“
`Y*‘··[Pubuc' Nm 31] ervation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purpdses.
- __ ,_ Be·ltemctedbytl2eSemteandHmiseo Re ‘», ·°
p¤§;§ii§Ll.Ii.§i,h"’b°I °p` S¢<1¢€·9 QQBAMGTFGG in Congress assembled? Th€.7t&l‘li§(?dll(§w?frizlesug?it€>€i IHOHOY , and are hereby, appropriated, out of any moniav in th6 Treasuig not otherwise appropriated, to be immediatelv available. alnd to e expended under the direction of the Secretaryuof War and tlgtpprperwsion of téie Chief of Engineers, for the construction, compamad, repair, an preservation of the public works hereinafter Portland, Me. . 8nPortla31d lillarbor, Maine: Ifor completing imlprovement in accordce wi e report submitted in House ocument Numbered